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Laszlo Gulyas, 1960

Born in Budapest, Hungary, Laszlo Gulyas graduated at the Academy of Fine and Applied Arts. Laszlo continued his studies as a student of the Academy of Fine Arts between 1983-1987.
He has been member of the National Society of Hungarian Artists since 1987. The artist developed his individual world of images and acquired the painting techniques of the early masters of painting under the influence of the universal art of Rembrandt.
This is what makes him distinct form his contemporaries. He seems to be charmed by the revival of heritage rather than by demolishing the art of painting or by recording its death struggle. In his works he applies the contrastive effects of the light and the shade with brilliant skills. Besides the clear colours his sketching appears to be remarkable.
The principal values of his gift are exhibited in his portrays of his family, which are full of vitality and harmony.

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Arkady Ostritsky (Moldovan, 1948)

Arkady was born in Kishinev, Moldova. He was recognized very early as gifted in drawing and painting and by the age of 20 was accepted in Moldova's most distinguished Art Academy - the Repin Art Academy.
He graduated with distinction, earned many awards, and became one of his country's most important painters.
He was chosen to paint numerous monumental works in public institutions, and created many large frescos. He also became a distinguished art teacher and many young artists came under his tutelage.

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Sergio Lopez, 1983 | Painting the roses..

Sergio Lopez is a native of Sonoma County, located in the U.S. state of California. He is a graduate of the Academy of Art in San Francisco.
He continues to study by visiting museums and observing the Great Masters, which he strives to learn lessons of beauty from.
Sergio has won multiple awards, including Epperson Gallery’s Valona Paint Out best of show award two years in a row, 3 awards in the 2010 Paint San Clemente Festival, 2nd place Artist Choice Award for Telluride Plein Air 2013, and Honorable Mention in the Alameda Plein Air event two years in a row.

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Norberto Proietti | Pittore Naïf

Norberto Proietti (1927-2009) è nato a Spello, da padre commerciante di bestiame, poi anche cuoco, mentre la madre con 5 figli aiutava il marito e cuciva abiti; molto rinomata a Spello perché creava modelli particolari e poi li eseguiva.
Poco più che dodicenne Norberto andò in Trastevere a Roma, dallo zio per imparare un ‘mestiere’ che potesse dargli la possibilità di mantenersi. Non a caso si scelse un mestiere manuale e creativo.
Nel 1942 tornò a Spello, dopo questa esperienza cominciò a guardare le innumerevoli bellezze pittoriche che lo circondavano, con una luce diversa.

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Ary Scheffer | Romantic painter

Ary Scheffer (10 February 1795 - 15 June 1858) was a Dutch**-French** Romantic painter.
  • Life
Scheffer was the son of Johan Bernard Scheffer (1765-1809), a portrait painter born in Homberg upon Ohm or Kassel who had moved to the Netherlands in his youth, and Cornelia Lamme (1769-1839), a portrait miniature painter and daughter of the Dordrecht landscape painter Arie Lamme, after whom Arij (later Ary) was named. He had two brothers, the journalist and writer Karel Arnold Scheffer (1796-1853) and the painter Hendrik Scheffer (1798-1862).
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Jean-Pierre Alaux (1925-2020)

Il pittore Francese Jean-Pierre Alaux, è nato a La Ciotat, in Francia. Non ha dovuto combattere per diventare un pittore, come molti dei suoi coetanei. È un discendente diretto di una famiglia di pittori o architetti risalente all'inizio del XVIII secolo.
Di conseguenza, ha trovato difficile da prendere sul serio anche se era estremamente serio sul suo lavoro.
Jean-Pierre Alaux crea arte da più di cinquant'anni senza seguire una moda particolare ed è sempre rimasto fedele al suo stile: gli amanti dell'arte non hanno mai avuto dubbi sul fatto che sia uno dei grandi artisti del nostro tempo.
Da parte sua, spera modestamente che la diversità che apporta a ciascuna delle sue opere aumenti la soddisfazione visiva e spirituale del pubblico rimuovendo la noia, la fonte di molti mali.

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George Richmond RA (1809-1896)

George Richmond RA was an English painter and portraitist. In his youth he was a member of The Ancients, a group of followers of William Blake. Later in life he established a career as a portrait painter, which included painting the portraits of the British gentry, nobility and royalty.
He was the son of Thomas Richmond, miniature-painter, and was the father of the painter William Blake Richmond as well as the grandfather of the naval historian, Admiral Sir Herbert Richmond.
A keen follower of cricket, Richmond was noted in one obituary as having been "an habitué of Lord's since 1816".