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Jean Bailly, 1940 | Pittore surrealista
Luana Celli, 1980
Luana Celli è una pittrice Romana. Da anni vive e lavora in provincia. Ha frequentato l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma ed è stata allieva del M° Giulio Turcato.
Ha partecipato ad importanti mostre italiane riscuotendo sempre successi di critica e pubblico. Vincitrice di numerosi premi, espone nella famosa storica mostra "Cento Pittori Via Margutta".

Salustiano Garcia Cruz (Siviglia, 1965)
Il pittore Spagnolo Salustiano García Cruz si è laureato all'Università di Siviglia, in Spagna.
I suoi sono quadri rossi o bianchi in un puro concetto di stile rinascimentale, che trasmettono calma attraverso uno studio dettagliato della forma e una pennellata chiara.
I personaggi sono busti e volti solitari sopra uno spazio vuoto e monocromo, che appaiono come nei sogni dove tutto si tinge di rosso.
Jeffrey R. Watts, 1970 | Gypsy spirit
Jeffrey R. Watts is a southern California native. Growing up in rural San Diego county with an artist father, Watts demonstrated an early aptitude for the visual arts. But it was competitive sports that held his interest as a teenager.
After an injury cut short his budding career in professional cycling, Jeff turned his focus back to art, enrolling at the California Art Institute in Calabasas. Watts was soon asked to teach at the institute and began to work as an illustrator in the movie industry.
However, Jeff's goal to become an easel painter would draw him back to San Diego where he started a small life drawing and painting studio known as Watts Atelier of the Arts. Jeff's aesthetic sensibilities have long drawn him to the figurative art of nineteenth century Europe and Russia.

Javier S. Barrera
Javier Sanz Barrera, pittore di Soria, insegnante di disegno e pittura, frequenta per cinque anni i corsi di disegno, pittura e modellismo presso la Scuola di Arti Applicate e Mestieri Artistici di Soria, Belle Arti a Barcellona e San Fernando a Madrid.
Maestro vetraio presso la Royal Farm Glass Factory e artista-artigiano a Soria e provincia in questa specialità, realizzazione di vetrate artistiche, progettazione, restauro e realizzazione di sculture in vetro.

John Singer Sargent | Madame Ramon Subercaseaux, 1880-81
This portrait is a collaboration between a young artist establishing himself in the Parisian art world and a young couple with progressive tastes.
It depicts Amalia Subercaseaux (1860-1930), wife of Chilean consul and artist Ramón Subercaseaux (whose portrait hangs nearby), seated at a piano in the couple’s elegant and stylish residence on the Avenue du Bois de Boulogne.
Working within an established portrait tradition, Sargent assimilates evolving ideas about representation and identity.
Evariste Carpentier | Love is in the air
Évariste Carpentier, (1845 in Kuurne - 1922 in Liège), was a Belgian painter of Genre scenes and animated landscapes. Over the years, his painting evolved from the academic art to Impressionism. He is, alongside Emile Claus, one of the earliest representatives of Luminism in Belgium.
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