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Alfred Elmore | Victorian painter

Alfred Elmore RA (1815-1881) was a British history and genre painter.
Alfred Elmore was born in Clonakilty, Ireland, the son of John Richard Elmore, a surgeon who retired from the British Army to Clonakilty.
His family moved to London, where Elmore studied at the Royal Academy of Arts.
His early works were in the troubadour style of Richard Parkes Bonington, but he soon graduated to religious work, notably The Martyrdom of Thomas à Becket, commissioned by Daniel O'Connell for Westland Row Church in Dublin.

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Anne Hoenig | Figurative painter

Anne Hoenig is a figurative painter from CA.
She shows mainly in Berlin.
Her method leans on renaissance oil technique, depicting intense, intimate moments.
The paintings of Anne Hoenig are defined by nuances and a specific semi-darkness.

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Kees van Dongen (1877-1968)

Kees van Dongen è stato un pittore Franco-Olandese, uno dei principali Fauves.
Dipinse ballerini, cantanti, mascherate e teatro.
Van Dongen si guadagnò la reputazione per i suoi ritratti vistosi, soprattutto di donne.
Nato a Delfshaven, vicino a Rotterdam, Kees Van Dongen studiò prima in una scuola di disegno industriale, poi all’Accademia di Belle Arti.

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Wisława Szymborska | Elogio dei sogni / In Praise of Dreams

In sogno
dipingo come Vermeer.
Parlo correntemente il greco
e non solo con vivi.

Guido l’automobile,
che mi obbedisce.

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Jean-Baptiste Madou | Genre painter

Jean-Baptiste Madou (1796-1877) was a Belgian painter and lithographer.
He created the Société Royale Belge des Aquarellistes.
Madou was born in Brussels.
He studied at the Brussels Academy of Fine Arts and was a pupil of Pierre Joseph Célestin François.

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Ferdinando Vichi | Lo scultore Romantico

A raccontarci della vita dello scultore Italiano Ferdinando Vichi riportiamo l'articolo dello scrittore Italiano Marco Vichi, il quale, a sua volta, fa riferimento ad un articolo del giornale "Il Telegrafo", pubblicato il 2 novembre 1932.
Nel 1964, la famiglia Vichi donò all'Archivio Fotografico Toscano di Prato 786 lastre fotografiche realizzate dallo scultore fiorentino Ferdinando Vichi.

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Peter Paul Rubens | Christ Risen, 1616

"Christ Risen", "The Easter Tomb" or "The Triumph of Christ over Death and Sin" is a painting by Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), executed c. 1616.
It entered the collection of Ferdinando de' Medici, Grand Prince of Tuscany between 1713 and 1723 and is now in the Palatine Gallery of the Palazzo Pitti in Florence.