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Martin Desjardins | The Four Captives, 1682-1686

The "Louis XIV Victory Monument", also known as "Four Prisoners" or "Four Defeated Nations", was an elaborate trophy memorial celebrating the military and domestic successes of the early decades of Louis XIV's personal rule, primarily those during the Franco-Dutch War of 1672–1678, on the Place des Victoires (Victories' Square) in central Paris.
It was designed and sculpted by Martin Desjardins (French sculptor and stuccoist of Dutch birth, 1637-1694) between 1682-1686 on a commission by François d'Aubusson, Duke of La Feuillade.

Martin Desjardins | Spain or Hope (detail) | Louvre Museum

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Pierre de Belay | Post-Impressionist painter

Pierre Savigny de Belay or Pierre de Belay (1890-1947) was a French painter.
He painted more than a thousand canvases, as many gouaches or watercolors, and drew thousands of sketches.
In 1919, upon his demobilization, Pierre de Belay took up residence in Paris, and stayed there for the rest of his life.
His quarter was Montparnasse.

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Il Colosso di Rodi

Il Colosso di Rodi fu una delle sette meraviglie del mondo classico; era un'enorme statua di bronzo del dio Elio situata nel porto di Rodi nel III secolo a.C.
Secondo studi contemporanei il colosso non si sarebbe trovato all'accesso del porto, come porta di ingresso per le navi, ma era collocato su un pilastro all'interno di quella che è conosciuta come città vecchia od acropoli di Rodi (che divenne la città dei cavalieri di Malta), in posizione sopraelevata sulla collinetta subito antistante al porto, in modo che fungesse da faro.

Una ipotetica ricostruzione del Colosso Di Rodi

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Marguerite Godin (1867-1936)

Marguerite Godin was a French artist who studied under Gustave Boulanger, Léon Bonnat and Jules Lefebvre.
Marguerite Godin exhibited at the Salon of French Artists from 1887-1912.
She received a bronze medal and the Marie Bashkirtseff Prize in 1889 and was a member of the Académie Julian in 1890.

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Hans Andersen Brendekilde (1857-1942)

Hans Andersen Brendekilde è stato un pittore Danese.
Nato Hans Andersen in quella che oggi è una frazione di Odense e lontano parente dello scrittore connazionale Hans Christian Andersen, ebbe un'infanzia povera.
All'età di 10 anni lasciò la sua famiglia per vivere come pastore, dedicandosi poi dai 14 ai 17 anni alla lavorazione del legno.

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Katrina Pallon | Art Nouveau style painter

Katrina Pallon is a visual artist whose strong imagery and conceptual vocabulary inform her distinctive paintings and drawings that utilise a variety of mediums.
She has actively exhibited under private art galleries and public group exhibitions in Manila, New York, Singapore, and Japan.
She also works as an illustrator and muralist.

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Faruk Cimok, 1956 | Romantic painter

Faruk Cimok was born in Reyhanli-Hatay, Turkey.
He graduated from the Istanbul State Fine Arts Academy (now known as Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University) Devrim Erbil Workshop.
He depicts the people of the rural part of Southern Anatolia, cotton workers, in crowded figure groups in his paintings.
In a sense, he caricatures, a unique taste of hoarding and anxiety of typology predominate.