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Alda Merini: "Tra le tue braccia"

C'è un posto nel mondo
dove il cuore batte forte,
dove rimani senza fiato,
per quanta emozione provi,
dove il tempo si ferma
e non hai più l'età;

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Emily Dickinson: Ci sarà davvero un "mattino"?

Ci sarà davvero un "mattino"?
C'è una cosa come il "Giorno"?
Potrei vederlo dai monti
Se fossi alta come loro?

Jon Boe Paulsen | The Blue Hour

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Jeune fille au chapeau, 1895

Portraits of children were amongst Renoir's favourite themes and feature strongly in the artist's painting of the 1890s.
Over the previous decade Renoir had been commissioned to paint the children of a number of celebrated patrons, including the Lerolles and the Berards.
These commissions gave the artist a renewed interest in portraiture in the 1890s and Renoir painted a number of non-commissioned portraits in addition to more formal requests.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Jeune fille au chapeau, 1895 | Christie's

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Andrey Figol, 1974 | Impressionist painter

Andrei Figol is a representative of impressionism, a master of landscape.
Andrey Figol's work is a smooth blend of the modern art of painting with its variety of styles and means of expressiveness.
Andrey Figol is able to capture the evanescent state of nature with crisp vividness and emotion.

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Raphael | The Deposition, 1507

The Deposition, also known as the Pala Baglioni, Borghese Entombment or The Entombment, is an oil painting by the Italian High Renaissance painter Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (1483-1520), now generally known in English as Raphael.
Signed and dated "Raphael. Urbinas. MDVII", the painting is in the Galleria Borghese in Rome. Commissioned by Atalanta Baglioni in memory of her son Grifonetto, the panel, encapsulates a story of love, loss, and devotion.

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Emily Dickinson: "La notte è il mio giorno preferito"..

"Questa notte vorrei che la mia guancia si consumasse nella tua mano.
Accetterai lo spreco?
La Notte è il mio Giorno preferito…"

L'amore segreto di Emily

Dopo la morte di suo padre, la poetessa Emily Dickinson ha fatto qualcosa di impensabile nella sua vita: iniziò a corteggiare il migliore amico di suo padre.

Carl Schweninger | Couple in Moonshine

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Erik Van Elven, 1969

Erik Van Elven grew up in a very creative family in the North of the Netherlands.
His parents were always very supportive about drawing and painting and both his older brother and younger sister also have a job as a creative.
Although he has no formal art education, he learned about creating images all his life.