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Ksenya Istomina, 1991

Ksenya Istomina / Ксения Истомина, born in Leningrad, Russia, embarked on her artistic journey at the Art School named after Sviridov.
Following this, she pursued her studies at the St. Petersburg Art College named after Roerich, specializing in the restoration department.
Ultimately, she graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin, focusing on painting within the studio of Yuri Kalyuta.

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Keimpe Van der Kooi, 1966

Keimpe van der Kooi is an Dutch painter, born in Amersfoort.
He graduated from the Classical Academy in Groningen and is also a teacher.
He likes to paint still-lifes in colorful ambiance.
In his paintings there always will be cloths, bowls, flowers and a beautiful sunlight.
As an artist, he already made a name for himself in various ways.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Young Girl with Hat, 1893

Pierre-Auguste Renoir loved to paint his models wearing hats and bonnets.
"He put heaps of them on my head", one model reported.
"He took me to the milliners' shops; he never ceased buying lots of hats".
Renoir painted these accessories continually, even after his dealer, Durand-Ruel, advised him that hats were going out of fashion and that his works might sell better if he didn't include them.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Young Girl with Hat / Jeune fille au chapeau, 1893 (detail) | Barnes Foundation

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Julien de Casabianca, 1970 | Street Art

Julien de Casabianca, French and Corsican, is both a visual artist and a filmmaker.
His work is always related to the street.
Literature Nobel Prize Gao Xingjian wrote the script of his first movie, a short-film entitled, Night after the rain, entierly shot in imaginary city streets.
The original soundtrack was composed by pianist Yaron Herman.

For his first feature-lenght, Passing by, he spent trhee years filming anonymous passers-by in the streets of 44 cities in 22 countries.
The movie was praised by famous director Costa-Gavras, who wrote he was "deeply moved and touched in the bottom of his heart".
The Tokyo University of Arts invited Passing By for screenings and masterclasses.
The famous artist Koheï Nawa chose it to inaugurate a cycle of screenings at the Sandwich art residencies in Kyoto.

Passing by, also became an art video installation projected on forty screens placed on the facade of the city hall of the 4th arrondissement of Paris for passers by to see.
It was inaugurated and sponsored by Mrs Charlotte Rampling.
After this first movie, Julien de Casabianca was chosen by Costa-Gavras and Jean-Jacques Beineix (Betty Blue) to become member of ARP, the legendary French guild gathering 150 great authors, director and producers (Godard, Lelouch, Varda, Polanski, Hazanavicius).
Since 1999, he is participative artistic project initiator or actor.

From 1999 to 2002, he was a member of 59 Rivoli artistic squat.
In 2002 he created a new squat named Laboratoire de la Création, which is now supported by the City of Paris.
In 2014, Julien de Casabianca launched Outings Project, which consists in bringing paintings from museum walls into the streets.

He has been invited by many museums around the world like the Cummer Museum in Jacksonville (USA), the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art (USA), the Geneva Museum of Art (Switzerland), The Ixelles-Brussels museum, and reference festivals as Nuart.
He used a long time ago to work as a journalist and writer for Flammarion, Plon, Sunday Times, L'Express and the famous national French TV program La Marche du Siècle.

Julien de Casabianca, Francese e Corso, è sia un artista visivo che un regista.
Il suo lavoro è sempre legato alla strada.
Il premio Nobel per la letteratura Gao Xingjian ha scritto la sceneggiatura del suo primo film, un cortometraggio intitolato Night after the Rain, interamente girato in strade cittadine immaginarie.

La colonna sonora originale è stata composta dal pianista Yaron Herman.
Per il suo primo lungometraggio, Passing by, ha trascorso tre anni a filmare passanti anonimi per le strade di 44 città in 22 paesi.
Il film è stato elogiato dal famoso regista Costa-Gavras, che ha scritto di essere "commosso e toccato nel profondo del suo cuore".

La Tokyo University of Arts ha invitato Passing By per proiezioni e masterclass.
Il celebre artista Koheï Nawa lo ha scelto per inaugurare un ciclo di proiezioni presso le residenze d'arte Sandwich di Kyoto.
Passando, è diventata anche un'installazione video artistica proiettata su quaranta schermi posizionati sulla facciata del municipio del 4° arrondissement di Parigi affinché i passanti potessero vederla.

È stato inaugurato e sponsorizzato dalla signora Charlotte Rampling.
Dopo questo primo film, Julien de Casabianca viene scelto da Costa-Gavras e Jean-Jacques Beineix (Betty Blue) per diventare membro dell'ARP, la leggendaria corporazione francese che riunisce 150 grandi autori, registi e produttori (Godard, Lelouch, Varda, Polanski, Hazanavicius).
Dal 1999 è promotore o attore di progetti artistici partecipativi.

Dal 1999-2002 ha fatto parte dello squat artistico 59 Rivoli.
Nel 2002 ha creato un nuovo squat chiamato Laboratoire de la Création, che ora è sostenuto dalla Città di Parigi.
Nel 2014, Julien de Casabianca ha lanciato Outings Project, che consiste nel portare i dipinti dalle pareti dei musei nelle strade.

È stato invitato da molti musei in tutto il mondo come il Cummer Museum di Jacksonville (USA), il Memphis Brooks Museum of Art (USA), il Geneva Museum of Art (Svizzera), il museo Ixelles-Brussels e festival di riferimento come Nuart.
Ha lavorato molto tempo fa come giornalista e scrittore per Flammarion, Plon, Sunday Times, L'Express ed il famoso programma televisivo nazionale francese La Marche du Siècle.

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Lucy Grossmith, 1972

Lucy Grossmith (Case) was born at Horncastle, Lincolnshire.
Always surrounded and inspired by nature, she sketches and makes mental notes whilst out and about.
These become ingredients for her work when back in her studio at the bottom of her garden.
She loves to paint wild birds and animals, countryside and coastal scenery along with gardens and old buildings.

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Immanuel Kant: "To be is to do!" / "Essere è fare!"

"Pazienta per un poco: le calunnie non vivono a lungo".
"La verità è figlia del tempo: tra non molto essa apparirà per vendicare i tuoi torti".
"Abbi il coraggio di servirti della tua propria intelligenza!"

Caspar David Friedrich | Wanderer above the sea of fog

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Paul Fenniak, 1965

Paul Fenniak was born in Toronto, Canada.
He received a Master of Fine Art degree from Concordia University in Montreal.
He is represented by Forum Gallery in New York where four solo exhibitions of his work have taken place to date (’99,’04,’09,‘16).
Two solo shows were held at Galerie de Bellefeuille in Montreal (’96,’02).