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Anton Romako (1832-1889)

Anton Romako è stato un pittore Austriaco, considerato uno degli artisti più interessanti e pionieri dell'era "Ringstraßenepoche".
Romako dipinse un gran numero di scene di paesaggi (ad esempio da Bad Gastein), influenzato dal Scuola di Barbizon, ma è noto soprattutto per i suoi ritratti e scene storiche.
I suoi primi lavori mostrano l'influenza del realismo Biedermeier, mentre gli ultimi lavori sono dipinti in un nervoso espressionista stile che turbò i suoi contemporanei.

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Tigran Asatryan, 1968

Tigran Asatryan / Տիգրան Ասատրյան was born in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia.
He studied at Hagop Kodjoyan Art School, Terlemezyan Arts College and graduated with Gold Medal from the State Academy of Fine Arts.
He is one of the founders and a member of Realist Artists Union of Yerevan.
Except for Armenia, where his works can be found in Modern Arts Museum of Armenia, his works can be found in the private collections of countries such as USA, Lebanon, Egypt, Russia, Turkey and Qatar.

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Umberto Veruda (1868-1904)

Umberto Veruda (Trieste, 1868-1904) was an Austro-Hungarian painter, known for his portraits and upper-class society scenes.
He was born to a family of modest means.
He was introduced to the art of painting by a local artist, originally from Bologna, named Raffaele Astolfi (1829-1900); known for portraits in the Academic style.
In 1884, at the age of sixteen, he went to Munich, where he was able to enroll at the Academy of Fine Arts, where his fellow Triestini, Carlo Wostry and Isidoro Grünhut, were also studying.

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Luigi Olivetti | Genre painter

Luigi Olivetti (Revere, Lombardy, November 19, 1856 - Tivoli, January 28, 1941) was an Italian painter, both in oil and watercolor, and engraver.
His secular birth name was Luigi Giacomo Angelo.
In 1883, a Rome, exhibited a watercolor titled: "Città", and in 1884 at Turin, at the National Exhibition he exhibited "Cecilia la Guida delle Catacombe"; "La figlia del Borgomastro" and "Ricordi of the Brettagna".

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Troy Brooks, 1972

Troy Brooks è un pittore Canadese contemporaneo.
Le sue immagini di soggetti femminili allungati in ambientazioni di film noir sono state riconosciute a livello mondiale come opere distintive del movimento Surrealista Pop moderno, con mostre a Parigi, Berlino, Londra, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal ed Australia.
Nel 2018 si è trasferito da Toronto in una banca del XIX secolo nella storica città di Wallaceburg, in Ontario, trasformandola nel suo principale spazio di lavoro in studio.

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Javier Mulio, 1957

Javier Mulio was born in Alcoy, Spain on Christmas eve, 1957, and soon began demonstrating his prodigious creative gifts...
At the age of 16, Javier was enrolled in the academy of the classic Spanish master Mila Gomez where he perfected his technique.
Graduating in 1976, Javier became a professional artist, with local success that grew into international recognition.

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Dianna Cotter | Le creazioni con foglie autunnali

Queste meravigliose opere d'arte autunnali compostabili, sono state realizzate interamente con foglie e semi caduti dall'artista Britanica Diana Cotter di Salisbury, Wiltshire.
La Cotter trascorre fino a sette ore, selezionando attentamente centinaia di foglie cadute di colori diversi dal suo giardino per creare splendide immagini di uccelli ed altri animali selvatici.
Aggiunge bacche, muschio e ramoscelli alle basi di argilla da giardino per creare un effetto finale abbagliante e fotografa le sue creazioni stagionali prima che si secchino, prima di metterle nel compost.