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Olga and Sergey Kamennoy

Sergey and Olga are the couple of artists working together under a pseudonym "KAMU Sergey and Olga" for more than 15 years.
Sergey Kamennoy / Сергей Каменной is Ukrainian and Olga Kamennoy / Ольга Каменная is Russian, born in Moscow.
Sergey was born in the city of Kharkov in 1959, Ukraine, in the artist’s family.

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Henri Biva (1848-1928)

Henri Biva (Parigi, 1848-1929) è stato un pittore Francese paesaggista, appartenente alla Scuola di Barbizon.
Henri Biva nacque e crebbe a Parigi nel quartiere di Montmartre al n.18 di rue du Vieux Chemin, in una famiglia di artisti.
Fu normale, quindi, per lui e per suo fratello Paul (1851-1900), così come per suo figlio Lucien (1878-1965), intraprendere la strada della pittura.

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Herman Tulp, 1955 | Magic realism painter

Herman Tulp is an incredible Dutch painter who is best known for his intimate, nostalgic still lifes.
However, he has many subject to his repertoire such as landscapes, houses, cows, trains and models all characterized by his very own style of painting.
Clear and realistic, sober but colored and often provided with magic-realistic elements.
However, in recent years his paintings of women increasingly step to the forefront.

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Teresa Brutcher, 1955

Born in Phoenix, Arizona, Teresa Brutcher lives and works in Spain, a country she came to know as an exchange student while getting her BA degree at the University of California.
Mesmerized by the old masters that populated the Prado Museum in Madrid and by the country itself, she returned there upon completing her BA degree.
Brutcher showing her figurative-realist paintings in galleries and museums in Spain as well as in Portugal, Germany, and the US.

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Johanne Cullen, 1959

Johanne Cullen is born in Quebec City.
Graduated in Fine Arts at University of Quebec in Montreal.
She lives and works in Montreal.
She paints people whose stare roots us to the spot with its sheer presence and intensity, drawing the viewer willy-nilly into a moment of shared intimacy.

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Monet: "Il colore è la mia ossessione.."

"Questi paesaggi d'acqua e di riflessi sono diventati un'ossessione. E' al di là delle mie forze di persona anziana… non dormo più per colpa loro… Mi alzo la mattina rotto di fatica… dipingere è così difficile e torturante. Ce n'è abbastanza da far perdere la speranza. Ciò nonostante non vorrei morire prima di aver detto quello che avevo da dire; o almeno aver tentato di dirlo. I miei giorni sono contati… Domani forse"… - Claude Monet, lettera dell'11 agosto 1908 al suo amico Gustave Geffroy

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Gisèle Hurtaud | Pastel artist

Gisèle Hurtaud was born in Charente-Maritime, France.
She lives in the French Atlantic coastal town of La Rochelle.
She has practiced drawing and painting since 1990.
She began with watercolor but upon discovering pastels in 1997, has remained with that medium.