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Carla Paine, 1982

American painter Carla Louise Paine was educated in the traditions and techniques of classical oil painting in Florence, Italy.
There, at the Florence Academy of Art, she completed three years of intense study, spending her last trimester in 2010 in Sweden at the Academy’s Scandinavian branch.
Prior to that she studied at the highly regarded School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Carla has received numerous awards and recognition for her work including being two times awarded 'Best Nude' in the annual Art Renewal Center Salon as well as being awarded 'Collections Magazine Award' and the 'Duel Category Award'.

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Edgardo Saporetti (1865-1909)

Edgardo Saporetti (Bagnacavallo, 1865 - Bellaria, 1909) was an Italian painter of eclectic subjects, including portraits, landscapes and genre subjects.
He was the son of Pietro Saporetti, painter and docent of the Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna, and initially studied there.
At the age of 15 years, he traveled to Rome to work under Cesare Mariani, director of the Accademia di San Luca, then moved to Naples where he worked in the studio of Domenico Morelli.

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Joseph-Marius Avy | Genre painter

Joseph-Marius Avy (1871-1939) was a French painter.
He painted landscapes, genre scenes, especially on the elegant Parisian environment and wall decorations.
He was also a skilled illustrator and an accomplished pastelist.
Joseph Marius Jean Avy, known as Marius Avy, was born in Marseille into a wealthy family. His father was a businessman.

After his first studies he manifested the desire to undertake the path of art, following his own inclinations.
He was therefore sent to Paris, where he was a pupil of Léon Bonnat and Albert Maignan.
From 1900 until 1933 he regularly exhibited at the Salon des artistes français and, from 1934-1939, the year of his death, at the "Salon de la Société nationale des beaux-arts".

In 1900 he won the Marie Bashkirtseff Prize, in 1903 he was awarded the second class medal and, in 1937, the "Diplôme d'honneur".
He was awarded the title of Knight of the Legion d'honneur and, ten years later, was promoted to Commander.
During the First World War he was decorated with the Cross of War.

In 1909 Avy married Germaine Besnard, daughter of the painter Albert Besnard, having as best man at the wedding the artist Henry Lerolle.
On this occasion he assisted his father-in-law in arranging the canvases that decorated the dome of the Petit Palais.
Albert Besnard portrayed him in uniform in a 1916 pastel.

Joseph Marius Avy often painted Italian landscapes.
Some of his compositions of worldly life, such as the Bal en blanc, painted with a particular harmony of very contrasting colors, can be considered apart for their distinct dynamism.
His decorations include the wedding hall of the Rotterdam Town Hall.
After the death of his wife Germaine, Joseph Avy married Clotilde Pregniard on May 12, '39 at the age of 67, but in December of the same year he died at his home in Paris on rue Boissonade. | Source: © Wikipedia

Joseph-Marius Avy (1871-1939) è stato un pittore Francese.
Dipinse paesaggi, scene di genere, specialmente sull'ambiente elegante parigino, e decorazioni murali.
Fu anche un abile illustratore ed un provetto pastellista.

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Cai Yushui / 蔡玉水, 1963

Nato a Jinan, provincia di Shandong, Cina, il pittore professionista Cai Yushui è vice preside dell'Accademia di pittura di Pechino, vice direttore del Comitato artistico ed artista nazionale.
Cai Yushui ha ottenuto risultati eccezionali in dipinti, sculture, film e dipinti cinesi con materiali integrati.
È uno degli artisti più completi della Cina contemporanea.
È specializzato nella pittura cinese con inchiostro, varietà pesante e schizzo, una tecnica pittorica utilizzata molto nell'estremo Oriente, in particolare in Cina e Giappone.

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Montse Valdés, 1959

Born in Barcelona, Spain, Montse Valdés began drawing at an early age and spent four years in Paris and one year in Asia during her youth.
Her travels back then have had an effect on her art, and following a brief sojourn in the world of theater, she decided to pursue painting at age 21 and began to create the wealth of generously sized, ethereal and peaceful portraits, figurative works for which she is known.
From 1981-1984, Valdés studied drawing, painting and pastel techniques at the Isidre Vilaseca Studio in Girona and the Artur Aldomà Puig Studio in Barcelona.

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Dan McCaw, 1942 | L'impressionista romantico

Il pittore Americano Dan McCaw è cresciuto nel Montana e durante la sua carriera artistica accademica ha frequentato il Montana Institute of Technology, a Butte Montana; l'Università dell'Accademia d'Arte, a San Francisco; l'Art Center College of Design, a Pasadena, California; e la Bongart School of Art, a Santa Monica, in California.
Una solida base di design, colore e valore contraddistingue i dipinti espressivi di McCaw e fornisce un punto di partenza per un'entusiasmante esplorazione di nuovi modi di guardare gli oggetti familiari.

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Eliseo Meifrén y Roig | Pittore Impressionista

Eliseo Meifrén Roig (1859-1940) è stato un pittore Impressionista Spagnolo.
Appassionato di pittura, abbandona la laurea in medicina e si iscrive alla Scuola di Belle Arti di Barcellona.
I suoi maestri furono gli artisti Antonio Caba e Ramón Martí Alsina.
Completò la sua formazione a Parigi, dove si recò per la prima volta nel 1879, in compagnia dei pittori Ramón Casas e Santiago Rusiñol, e dove sopravvisse vendendo piccoli dipinti ed appunti, con temi prevalentemente urbani.