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Valerie Otte, 1977 | Figurative sculptor

Valerie Otte is an award-winning sculptor based in Germany whose work has been exhibited both nationally and in the UK.
Valerie Otte's art can be described as a play of the eyes at distance, which is a classical description for figurative sculpture.
The rule: Close observation.

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Antonio Bueno | Modern painter of Reality

Antonio Bueno (21 July 1918 - 26 September 1984) was an Italian painter of Spanish origin, who acquired Italian citizenship in 1970.
He was born in Berlin while his journalist father was posted there by the newspaper ABC of Madrid.
Bueno undertook art studies in Spain and Switzerland. In 1937, he was in Paris, where he exhibited at the Salon des Jeunes; then in 1940 with his brother Xavier, he moved to Italy.
After a post-impressionist experience, immediately after World War II he joined the school of Armenian artist Gregorio Sciltian, painting trompe-l'œil work.

Antonio e Xavier Bueno | La carrozza (Passeggiata alle cascine), 1942

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Edmond Jean de Pury | Genre painter

Baron Edmond Jean de Pury (1845-1911) was a Swiss painter and engraver.
De Pury was born on 6 March 1845 in Neuchâtel.
He was a member of a Prussian noble family and was a nephew of James-Ferdinand de Pury.
He trained at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, studying painting and engraving.

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Lytras Nikephoros | The Kiss (1878) at the Louvre

In "The Kiss", the scene is set in a courtyard, in which a slender girl is rising on the tips of her tows in order to kiss her beloved, whose head can be seen through the window high up.
The lily in the pot symbolises purity, while its slender stem echoes the slender girl’s motion. Ochre and white prevail, along with some red on the girl's fez.
The latter colour was a favourite of Nikephoros Lytras'.
The abandoned slipper suggests the girl's rush to meet her beloved, while at the same time marking space, that is, making us part of the scene. | Source: © National Gallery - Alexandros Soutsos Museum, Athens

Lytras Nikephoros | The Kiss, 1878 | National Gallery - Alexandros Soutsos Museum, Athens

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Paolo Veronese | Pittore Rinascimentale

Paolo Caliari (o Cagliari) (1528-1588) prese il cognome Veronese dalla sua città natale, Verona.
Fu un famoso pittore del Rinascimento, il cui lavoro a Venezia fu magistrale.
Insieme ad altri artisti veneziani, come Tiziano (1485-1576) e Tintoretto (1518-1594), Veronese fu uno degli artisti di spicco in città.
Rappresentativo della scuola veneziana, Veronese fu un colorista eccezionale, che dipinse elaborati cicli narrativi in un drammatico stile manierista.

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Anna Lapygina, 1980 | Figurative painter

Анна Юрьевна Лапыгина was born in Morshyn.

1992/1996 - Art school in Vladimir, graduated with "excellent".
1997/2001 - Vladimir State Pedagogical University.
2008 - Graduated from the Russian Academy of Arts diploma course with a mark of "excellent" and praised the AMC.
2005/2008 - Participated in the painting of icons Reigning Mother of God. St. Petersburg.
2007/2008 - Participated in the painting of an Orthodox church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Iohanesburg, South Africa.

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Heinz Kahlau | Se non ci sei..

Se non ci sei,
ho sempre
quel che hai detto
e ho il tuo volto.

Marc Chagall | The Lovers, 1929