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Camille Corot | Paysages

Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1796-1875) is a pivotal figure in landscape painting. In his long and productive life, he painted over 3,000 paintings. His work simultaneously references the Neo-Classical tradition and anticipates the plein-air innovations of Impressionism.
Of him Claude Monet exclaimed in 1897, "There is only one master here - Corot. We are nothing compared to him, nothing".

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Anna Lapygina, 1980 | Figurative painter

Анна Юрьевна Лапыгина was born in Morshyn.

1992/1996 - Art school in Vladimir, graduated with "excellent".
1997/2001 - Vladimir State Pedagogical University.
2008 - Graduated from the Russian Academy of Arts diploma course with a mark of "excellent" and praised the AMC.
2005/2008 - Participated in the painting of icons Reigning Mother of God. St. Petersburg.
2007/2008 - Participated in the painting of an Orthodox church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the Iohanesburg, South Africa.

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Heinz Kahlau | Se non ci sei..

Se non ci sei,
ho sempre
quel che hai detto
e ho il tuo volto.

Marc Chagall | The Lovers, 1929

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Khalil Gibran: "Ascolta la donna quando ti guarda, non quando ti parla"

"Le donne che hanno cambiato il mondo non hanno mai avuto bisogno di dimostrare nulla, se non la loro intelligenza"!
"The women who changed the world never needed to show anything other than their own intelligence"!

Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909-2012) è stata una neurologa Italiana.
Negli anni cinquanta, con le sue ricerche, scoprì ed illustrò il fattore di accrescimento della fibra nervosa (nella fattispecie della struttura assonale) NGF, e per tale scoperta è stata insignita nel 1986 del premio Nobel per la Medicina.
Insignita anche di altri premi, è stata la prima donna ad essere ammessa alla Pontificia accademia delle scienze.
Il 1º agosto 2001 è stata nominata senatrice a vita "per aver illustrato la Patria con altissimi meriti nel campo scientifico e sociale".

"Le donne hanno sempre dovuto lottare doppiamente. Hanno sempre dovuto portare due pesi, quello privato e quello sociale. Le donne sono la colonna vertebrale delle società".
Rita Levi Montalcini

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Le Thi Luu | Impressionist painter

Lê Thị Lựu (19 January 1911 - 6 June 1988) was a Vietnamese woman painter.
She was one of the first women and rare notable female alumni of Victor Tardieu's École des Beaux-Arts de l'Indochine in Hanoi, becoming the school's first female painter at the age of 16.
With Mai Trung Thứ, Lê Phổ and Vũ Cao Đàm she was one of four Vietnamese artists in the 1930s to emigrate to and make a career in Paris.

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Egisto Ferroni | At the fountain / Alla fontana, 1879

Artist: Egisto Ferroni (Firenze, 1835-1912);
Date: 1879;
Current location: Museum Pitti Palace, Collection Gallery of Modern Art;
Technique: Oil on canvas;
Size: cm 285x165;
Inventory: Gen. 342.

Egisto Ferroni | At the fountain / Alla fontana, 1879 (detail) | Museum Pitti Palace, Collection Gallery of Modern Art

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James Sant | Courage, Anxiety and Despair: Watching the Battle, 1850-60

At his death in 1916, at the age of ninety-six, James Sant, R.A., C.V.0. (British painter, 1820-1916) was the longest living member of the Royal Academy since the institution's foundation in 1768, having exhibited well over two hundred pictures during a period of seventy-six years.
Sant was a prolific artist who worked his way through a range of influences, including symbolism (as in this effort) and impressionism.

James Sant | Courage, Anxiety and Despair: Watching the Battle, 1850 | Christie's