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Sibilla Aleramo e Lina Poletti

Marta Felicina Faccio detta Rina, nota anche con lo pseudonimo di Sibilla Aleràmo (Alessandria, 14 agosto 1876 - Roma, 13 gennaio 1960), è stata una scrittrice, poetessa e giornalista Italiana.
È ricordata per il suo romanzo autobiografico "Una donna" (1901-1904) in cui dipinse la condizione femminile in Italia a cavallo fra il XIX ed il XX secolo. Si tratta infatti di uno dei primi libri femministi apparsi in Italia.

Tamara de Lempicka

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Sibilla Aleramo (1876-1960) | Tentazione

Hai avuto un gesto delle mani, dolce,
mentre parlavi dell’amore femineo,
hai figurato col cavo delle mani dolcemente
la raccolta e tremula dedizione d’un cuore.

Maria Amaral

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Ernest Biéler (Swiss, 1863-1948)

Born in 1863 in Rolle, Ernest Biéler left for Paris at the age of seventeen to study in the city’s art schools.
He works under the influence of impressionism at first and paints an initial masterpiece that causes quite a stir at the 1889 World’s Fair (Pendant la messe à Saint-Germain en Savièse - During the Mass in Saint-Gemain in Savièse, 1886), the picture’s subject being inspired by a stay in the Canton of Valais.
Illustrating the novels of Emile Zola, Alphonse Daudet and Victor Hugo - over and above the few portrait commissions that come in - makes it possible for him to live in the French capital.

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Phil Lockwood | Scenery painter

From Lockwood’s website, his self-description: "I was born - Sheffield, England and I am now living in the Ecclesall area of the city.
My training was at:
Junior School of Art and Design (Sheffield)
Sheffield College of Art and Crafts
Leeds College of Art
Retford (Teaching Certificate).

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Frank Holl R.A. | Portrait painter

From: British Museum
Draughtsman, illustrator, painter and royal portraitist; born in Kentish Town, London, to a family of engravers; received his first instruction from his father, Francis Holl, ARA; educated at University College School and entered the Royal Academy Schools at the age of 15 in 1860, receiving a silver medal in 1862 and gold in 1863; exhibited at the Royal Academy from 1864 until his death; becoming an Associate in 1878 and an Academician in 1883; his major works included portraits of Queen Victoria, the Prince of Wales and prominent politicians.

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Thérèse Schwartze (1851-1918)

Thérèse Schwartze (Amsterdam, 20 dicembre 1851 - Amsterdam, 23 dicembre 1918) è stata una pittrice Olandese, molto celebrata nel suo tempo, che unì grandi competenze tecniche di ritrattista con un eccellente senso degli affari.
Nata ad Amsterdam nel 1851, Thérèse era la figlia del pittore di origine americana Johan Georg Schwartze, da cui ricevette la sua prima formazione.
In seguito andò a studiare per un anno presso il Rijksacademie van Beeldende Kunsten e poi si recò a Monaco di Baviera dove proseguì i suoi studi insieme a Gabriel von Max e Franz von Lenbach.

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Mats Åkerman, 1956 | Modern painter

Mats Åkerman, born in Stockholm, is a Swedish painter, draftsman and graphic artist.
He has created his own fantasy world which he calls "The Swagi Union".
The main character in this world is called Rocco Rivarossi and the story takes place mostly in the 1950s.
The pictures often depict restaurants, boats, trains and urban environments.