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Louis Stevenson | A letto d'estate / Bed in summer

D'inverno mi alzo e il buio mi raggela,
mi vesto al lume giallo di candela.
D'estate invece l'esatto contrario
vado a letto di giorno, strano orario.

Mi tocca mettermi a letto e osservare
gli uccelli ancora sui rami a saltellare,
mentre giù nella strada odo rumori:
passi di grandi, sono ancora fuori.

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María Luisa de la Riva (1865-1926)

María Luisa de la Riva y Callol de Muñoz (1865-1926) was a Spanish painter.
Riva y Callol de Muñoz was born on 4 April 1865 in Zaragoza, Spain. She studied with Ricardo Bellver and Antonio Pérez Rubio.
She was married to fellow painter Domingo Muñoz.
She exhibited regularly at the Exposiciones Nacionales de Bellas Artes where she won medals in 1897, 1901 1887, and 1895.
Riva y Callol de Muñoz exhibited her work at the Woman's Building at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois and she also exhibited at the Exposition Universelle in 1889.

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Vicente Palmaroli | Summer Days, 1885

Sitting near the seashore, a lady puts her reading aside for a moment to turn and look out at the spectator.
Despite her location out on the beach, she wears a long purple skirt with splendid black lace decoration, a white pinafore, a comfortable shawl and a hat with blond lace and feathers.
In her hand she holds a small parasol. She appears to have settled comfortably and sits at a distance from the other holiday-makers and next to a number of rush-bottomed chairs (for resting by the sea), other useful beach items, and a few articles of clothing.
Reserved, reading and surprised in her solitude, there is a melancholic, refined air about this female holiday-maker that is greatly in keeping with both the tastes of the European upper-middle class of the last quarter of the 19th century and a stereotype of bourgeois femininity well-known through literature and reflected in a perfectly defined type of art.

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Lluïsa Vidal | Modernist painter

Lluïsa Vidal i Puig (Barcelona, 2 April 1876 - 22 October 1918) was a Spanish painter. Raised in a well-off family closely related to Catalan modernist circles, she is known as the only professional women painter of Catalan modernism, and one of the few women of that period who went abroad to receive art lessons.


Born in the number 13 of Barcelona's Trafalgar street, Lluïsa Vidal was the second of 12 siblings (nine girls and two boys): one of her sisters became associated with Pablo Casals, and another one became the wife of the philologist and writer Manuel de Montoliu.
Her father, Francesc Vidal i Jevellí, was a cabinetmaker, set designer, and a foundry worker interested in art and business.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Paysage du Midi, 1905

An exquisite example of Renoir’s mature landscapes, Paysage du Midi depicts the sun-drenched terrain of the South of France to superb effect.
Within the present work, a woman adorned in summery white stands amidst a cluster of leafy trees, whilst the vibrant blue sea can be glimpsed in the background.
Renoir adored the South of France, and spent an increasing amount of time there before moving permanently to the area in 1902.
Having suffered from the effects of rheumatoid arthritis prior to his move to the south, Renoir found the warmth and sunlight of this more benign climate beneficial to his health, and produced some of the most charming and attractive landscapes of his entire career from the mid-1890s onwards.

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Vincent Van Gogh | Colors quotes

"There is no blue without yellow and without orange".
"Non c'è blu senza il giallo e senza l'arancione".

"The painter of the future will be a colorist in a way no one has been before".
"Il pittore del futuro userà il colore in una maniera che non ha precedenti".

"Suffice it to say that black and white are also colors… for their simultaneous contrast is as striking as that of green and red, for instance".
"Basti dire che anche il bianco e il nero sono colori... perché il loro contrasto simultaneo è sorprendente come quello del verde e del rosso, per esempio".

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Daniel Rodgers | Natività

Daniel Rodgers è un Artista figurativo ed illustratore che vive a Sunderland, Regno Unito.
- "Sono un illustratore ed artista freelance specializzato nella realizzazione di illustrazioni dal lato realistico delle cose.
Mi piace lavorare su una varietà di argomenti, dalle tradizionali cartoline di Natale alle illustrazioni fantasy e fantascientifiche.
Soprattutto trovo più soddisfacente iniettare qualche elemento di storia nel mio lavoro.
Il mio lavoro si concentra sull'amore per la pittura ed il disegno con un contesto narrativo".