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Properzia de' Rossi in Giorgio Vasari's Lives

Properzia de' Rossi (Bologna, 1490-1530) was a ground-breaking female Italian Renaissance sculptor and one of only four women (Properzia de'Rossi, Sister Plautilla Nelli, Sofonisba Anguissola, and Madonna Lucrezia) to receive a biography in Giorgio Vasari's Vite de’ più eccellenti pittori, scultori, e architettori (The Lives of the Artists, 1550 and 1568).
Argued to be one of the first women in Western European art to professionalise in the field of sculpture, her achievement was gained during a time when sculpture as an art form was believed to be exclusively the prerogative of men.

Properzia de Rossi by Anonimo

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Dino Buzzati | Un amore | Capitolo VII

Dino Buzzati

La rivide qualche giorno dopo, sempre dalla signora Ermelina. Aveva telefonato come al solito, chiedendo però della Laide. Come la trovò di nuovo in quella specie di salotto, restò un poco deluso. Stavolta aveva tirato su i capelli raccogliendoli sulla nuca e sembrava trasandata. Spiccavano nel volto quei tratti vagamente popolareschi e sguaiati, il naso petulante che terminava in patatina, il moto delle labbra, che si aprivano di tanto in tanto a valva, con espressione furbesca, provocante e sicura di sé.

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Alda Merini / Giuliano Grittini | Noi abbiamo delle piccole utilità..

Alda Merini da Giuliano Grittini (Fotografo ed artista italiano, 1951)

Noi abbiamo delle piccole utilità:
per esempio io amo te e vorrei che tu mi guardassi negli occhi,
e metto gli occhiali scuri affinché tu non possa vedere i miei occhi
perché entreresti con le tue mani nella mia anima
e sentiresti che il mio cuore pulsa in una sola direzione,
per questo faccio finta di non vedere niente.

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Olena Duchene / Елена Дюшан | Watercolor flowers painter

Artist Elena Duchamp was born and raised in the Ukrainian city of Dnepropetrovsk.
In 2012 she got married and moved to France.
Her beautiful floral paintings varies between watercolor and pastel paintings.
Her strokes are simple delightful and dreamy.

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Dino Buzzati | Un amore, 1963 | Capitolo VI

Chi era?
Dove andava?
Con quali speranze?
Perché faceva quella vita?
Una ragazzina così fresca, viva, autentica. Se fosse nata in una famiglia come quella di lui, Antonio, sarebbe mai venuta lì dalla Ermelina?
Che sbagliata infanzia c'era alle sue spalle?

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Abdelhalim Kebieche | Expressionist / Genre painter

"Abdelhalim Kebieche: "I am a friend of the wretched, and so are my colors".".

Abdelhalim Kebieche is an visual artist who was honored with the gold medal at the international competition of Professional d'Art 2020 all categories, organized by the Mondial Art Academy (MAA) of Paris.
A graduate of the National School of Fine Arts in Algiers, Abdelhalim Kebieche has taken part in national and international exhibitions from 1994 until today.
Moreover, his last collective exhibition was last November where he represented Algeria for the 2nd edition of the Contemporary Art Days of Carthage (JACC), in Tunisia.
Kebieche received his first gold medal for his painting "The Absurd" exhibited at the competition of the Mondial Art Academy (MAA) in Paris.

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Mohamad Tammam | Abstract painter

Tammam Mohamad is an Syrian painter, born in Lattakia (Latakia) the principal port city of Syria.
Mohamad is a Member of the Syrian Plastic Artists Union and residing in Syria - in Lattakia (Latakia).