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Pablo Picasso | Family of Saltimbanques, 1905

Measuring 7 by 7.5 feet, "Family of Saltimbanques" is the most important painting Picasso made during his early career. Immediately obvious is the isolation and stillness of its figures. Shouldn’t these acrobats, dancers, and jesters suggest the frolic or at least the forced gaiety of circus performance?
That was not what Picasso had in mind.
For him, these wandering saltimbanques stood for the melancholy of the neglected underclass of artistes, a kind of extended family with whom he identified.

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Max Cole | Tonalist painter

Max Cole was born sometime in the 70's. Max studied with some very well-known artists including four years of intensive study learning the techniques of the Old Masters.
Max now lives away from the heat in the cool Cascade Mountains of the Pacific Northwest. His real love is art where he can share the love and gratitude in his heart with others. He's also a rootin' tootin' flannel-shirt-wearing mountain man.

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Eugene Delacroix | Color Quotes

▻ "Not only can color, which is under fixed laws, be taught like music, but it is easier to learn than drawing, whose elaborate principles cannot be taught".
"Non solo il colore, che è soggetto a leggi fisse, può essere insegnato come la musica, ma è più facile da imparare del disegno, i cui elaborati principi non possono essere insegnati".
▻ "Draughtsmen may be made, but colourists are born".
"Coloristi si nasce, disegnatori si diventa".

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Eugenè Burnand | Apostles Peter and John hurry to the tomb on the morning of the Resurrection, 1898

"Peter therefore went out, and the other disciple [John], and were going to the tomb. So they both ran together, and the other disciple outran Peter and came to the tomb first. And he, stooping down and looking in, saw the linen cloths lying there; yet he did not go in.
Then Simon Peter came, following him, and went into the tomb; and he saw the linen cloths lying there, and the handkerchief that had been around His head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded together in a place by itself.
Then the other disciple, who came to the tomb first, went in also; and he saw and believed. For as yet they did not know the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead. Then the disciples went away again to their own homes" - John 20:3-10.

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Michelangelo Buonarroti | O Notte, o dolce tempo | Sonetto 102

O notte, o dolce tempo, benché nero,
con pace ogn’ opra sempr’ al fin assalta;
ben vede e ben intende chi t’esalta,
e chi t’onor’ ha l’intelletto intero.

Tu mozzi e tronchi ogni stanco pensiero;
ché l’umid’ ombra ogni quiet’ appalta,
e dall’infima parte alla più alta
in sogno spesso porti, ov’ire spero.

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Ng Woon Lam / 黄运南, 1971

Il pittore Ng Woon Lam è nato in Malesia e vive e lavora a Singapore dal 1992.
Partecipa attivamente a mostre internazionali con giuria e ha vinto più di 50 premi. Le mostre personali tenute a Singapore, Malesia, Tailandia e Hong Kong includono "Rhyme of Hue", "In Search of Harmony", "A Jazz of Colours and Shapes", "Perception and Delusion", "A Tale 3 Cities" e "Live and Alive".

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Charles Ginner (Post-Impressionist painter, 1878-1952)

Charles Isaac Ginner CBE ARA was a Franco-British painter painter of landscape and urban subjects.
Born in the south of France at Cannes, of British parents, in 1910 he settled in London, where he was an associate of Spencer Gore and Harold Gilman and a key member of the Camden Town Group.

Early years and studies

Charles Isaac Ginner was born on 4 March 1878 in Cannes, the second son of Isaac Benjamin Ginner, a British doctor.
He had a younger sister, Ruby (b. 1886; who became the dance teacher Ruby Dyer). He was educated in Cannes at the Institut Stanislas.