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Michelangelo Buonarroti | O Notte, o dolce tempo | Sonetto 102

O notte, o dolce tempo, benché nero,
con pace ogn’ opra sempr’ al fin assalta;
ben vede e ben intende chi t’esalta,
e chi t’onor’ ha l’intelletto intero.

Tu mozzi e tronchi ogni stanco pensiero;
ché l’umid’ ombra ogni quiet’ appalta,
e dall’infima parte alla più alta
in sogno spesso porti, ov’ire spero.

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Ng Woon Lam / 黄运南, 1971

Il pittore Ng Woon Lam è nato in Malesia e vive e lavora a Singapore dal 1992.
Partecipa attivamente a mostre internazionali con giuria e ha vinto più di 50 premi. Le mostre personali tenute a Singapore, Malesia, Tailandia e Hong Kong includono "Rhyme of Hue", "In Search of Harmony", "A Jazz of Colours and Shapes", "Perception and Delusion", "A Tale 3 Cities" e "Live and Alive".

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Charles Ginner (Post-Impressionist painter, 1878-1952)

Charles Isaac Ginner CBE ARA was a Franco-British painter painter of landscape and urban subjects.
Born in the south of France at Cannes, of British parents, in 1910 he settled in London, where he was an associate of Spencer Gore and Harold Gilman and a key member of the Camden Town Group.

Early years and studies

Charles Isaac Ginner was born on 4 March 1878 in Cannes, the second son of Isaac Benjamin Ginner, a British doctor.
He had a younger sister, Ruby (b. 1886; who became the dance teacher Ruby Dyer). He was educated in Cannes at the Institut Stanislas.

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Albrecht Dürer | Biografia ed Opere

Albrecht Dürer ⟨1471-1528) - Pittore ed incisore.
È il più alto rappresentante dell'arte e della cultura del Rinascimento del Nord ed il carattere nordico del suo temperamento si rivela potentemente nel predominio dell'espressione grafica, comprendente, nel senso più ampio, il disegno, che va dalla composizione allo studio dal vero, al paesaggio, al ritratto.
Grazie ai suoi studi scientifici e ai suoi viaggi, ha messo in contatto il Nord ed il Sud dell'Europa, contribuendo a rendere moderna la cultura nordica.

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Nazim Hikmet | Dead Leaves / Foglie morte, 1961

Ferdinand Hodler (Swiss painter, 1853-1918) | Autumn Evening, 1892

Seeing the leaves fall tears me inside
especially those falling on boulevards
especially chestnut leaves
especially if kids are around
especially if the sky is clear
especially if I’ve got good news that day
especially if my heart doesn’t ache that day
and I believe my love loves me
especially if that day I feel in agreement with men and with myself
seeing the leaves fall, it tears me inside
especially those falling on boulevards
especially chestnut’s boulevards.

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Alfred Sisley | Boat in the Flood at Port Marly, 1876

In 1874, Alfred Sisley (French Impressionist painter, 1839-1899) moved to Marly-le-Roi and became the chronicler of this village situated a few kilometres to the west of Paris.
His most beautiful motif was when the Seine burst its banks and flooded the neighbouring village of Port-Marly in the spring of 1876.
The artist produced six paintings of this event.
He captured the great expanse of water with moving reflections that transformed the peaceful house of a wine merchant into something mysterious and poetic.
Two of these paintings are in the Musée d'Orsay.

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Paul Cézanne | Color Quotes

▻ "There is no model; there is only color".
"Non esiste un modello; c'è solo il colore".

▻ "Shadow is a colour as light is, but less brilliant; light and shadow are only the relation of two tones".
"L'ombra è un colore come la luce, ma meno brillante; luce e ombra sono solo il rapporto di due toni".

▻ "Nature is more depth than surface. Hence the need to introduce into our light vibrations represented by the reds and yellows, a sufficient amount of blue to give the impression of air".
"La natura è più in profondità che in superficie, di qui la necessità di introdurre nelle nostre vibrazioni di luce, rappresentate dai rossi e dai gialli, una quantità sufficiente di azzurri, per far sentire la presenza dell’aria".