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Charles Meynier | Apollo and the Muses, 1798

Charles Meynier | Clio, Muse of History | Cleveland Museum of Art

In 1797 François-Bernard Boyer-Fonfrède, an industrial textile manufacturer, commissioned Charles Meynier (Paris, 1768-1832) to paint nine canvases featuring Apollo and the Muses for a large room in his home in Toulouse.
Meynier exhibited the painting based on this drawing at the Salon of 1800 but ultimately only completed five canvases, as his patron ran out of money.
The paintings were installed in the hall of Wallenried Castle, Switzerland by General Castella de Berlens around 1824, where they remained until 1983.
The group was acquired by the Cleveland Museum of Art in 2003. | © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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David Uhl, 1961 | Romantic realism painter

David Uhl was born into a family of engineers and artists which made him particularly suited for capturing the lifestyle inherent in motorcycling culture.
He purchased his first bike in 1988 and soon after his pencils and pens reflected his visual passion for the sport.
In 1993 he began producing countless best selling artworks for Harley-Davidson apparel.
After several years at the helm of Uhl Studios, an award-winning illustration company, David fulfilled his desire to move into Fine Art.

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Paul de Longpré | Biografia ed Opere

Paul de Longpré (1855-1911) è stato un pittore Francese di fiori, che ha lavorato principalmente negli Stati Uniti.
De Longpré dipinse solo esemplari di fiori perfetti. Con una delicatezza del tatto ed una sensibilità per il colore ha unito conoscenza scientifica ed arte. Sapeva anche dare espressione alla sottile essenza dei fiori.
Dipingendo scene floreali quasi esclusivamente ad acquerelli, nel 1900 de Longpre trovò ispirazione nei 4.000 cespugli di rose che piantò nella sua tenuta di Hollywood.

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Antonietta Brandeis | Life and paintings

Antonietta Brandeis (1848-1926) was a Czech-born Italian landscape, genre and portrait painter, as well as a painter of religious subjects for altarpieces.

Early Life and Initial Training

She was born on January 13, 1848, in Miskovice (near Kutná Hora) in Eastern Europe. The first bibliographical indication of Antonietta Brandeis dates from her teens, when she is mentioned as a pupil of the Czech artist Karel Javurek of Prague. After the death of Brandeis' father, her mother, Giuseppina Dravhozvall, married the Venetian Giovanni Nobile Scaramella; shortly afterward the family apparently moved to Venice.
In the 1867 registry of the Venetian Academy of Fine Arts, Brandeis is listed as being enrolled as an art student. At this time, Brandeis would have been nineteen, and one of the first females to receive academic instruction in the fine arts in Italy. In fact, the Ministry granted women the legal right to instruction in the fine arts only in 1875, by which time Brandeis had finished her education at the Academy.

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Jusepe de Ribera | Pittore barocco

Jusepe de Ribera (1591-1652), conosciuto anche come José de Ribera, o col soprannome Spagnoletto, è stato un pittore Spagnolo, attivo principalmente a Napoli e più in generale per la corte di Spagna.
Fu uno dei massimi protagonisti della pittura napoletana ed europea del XVII secolo nonché uno dei più rilevanti pittori seguaci del filone del caravaggismo napoletano, da cui derivò una peculiare corrente pittorica di cui fu il promotore, Il tenebrismo, che vedeva una esasperata rappresentazione della realtà, violenta e brutale, accentuata da particolari epidermici, anatomici e psichici nei personaggi raffigurati.
Il suo stile, che nel tempo si evolve verso un classicismo neoveneto, fu modello e punto di riferimento per i pittori partenopei coevi e di generazioni successive, segnando in maniera indelebile tutta la pittura napoletana del Seicento.

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Albrecht Altdorfer | Biografia ed Opere

Albrecht Altdorfer (1480-1538) è stato un pittore Tedesco, fondatore della Scuola Danubiana nel sud della Germania, contemporaneo di Albrecht Dürer.
Fu uno dei principali artisti del Rinascimento tedesco, oltre che pittore anche architetto, incisore, scultore, calcografo e disegnatore per xilografie.
Dipinse rappresentazioni religiose e mitologiche, ma furono in particolare i suoi paesaggi a renderlo celebre per la loro bellezza: furono creati dall'artista non per illustrare storie e parabole, ma con il proposito di esaltare il fascino della natura e delle figure umane che si muovono all'interno di essa.

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Teofilo Patini | Beasts of burden / Bestie da Soma, 1886

Teofilo Patini (Abruzzo, 1840 - Naples, 1906) was an Italian painter, active in a Verista style.
He was born to a landowning family of some wealth.
In 1855, he began classical studies in Sulmona under the Latin scholar, Leopoldo Dorrucci. Patini's father had taken a position as chancellor of the Royal Judiciary in that town.
He acquired a diploma of "Belle Lettere", and then enrolled in the University of Naples to study philosophy, then transferred to study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples.