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Vincent Van Gogh | The Starry Night | Saint Rémy, June 1889 | MoMa

Vincent Van Gogh | The Starry Night | Saint Rémy, June 1889 | MoMa - Museum of Modern Art, New York

"The Starry Night" is probably Vincent van Gogh🎨's most famous painting. Instantly recognizable because of its unique style, this work has been the subject of poetry, fiction, CD-ROMs as well as the well known song "Vincent" or "Starry, Starry Night" by Don McLean.
While there's no denying the popularity of Starry Night, it's also interesting to note that there is very little known about Vincent's own feelings toward his work. This is mainly due to the fact that he only mentions it in his letters🎨 to Theo twice (Letters 595 and 607), and then only in passing.
In his correspondence with his brother, Vincent would often discuss specific works in great detail, but not so in the case of "Starry Night".
It's difficult to say.

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Zahi Issa (Siria, 1962)

Zahi Issa è nato ad Aleppo, Siria Zahi Issa è stato scoperto come pittore a soli 15 anni dal padre Giacobbe, maestro internazionale, Jack Issa (che ha dato permesso ad artisti del calibro di Joseph Anna conosciuto insieme a Barbera come autore di famosi cartoon) di apprendere con la grafica del disegno, i primi rudimenti della tavolozza.
Il surrealismo delle sue opere ha girato il mondo con recensioni di famosi critici e storici dell'arte.

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Gustave Jean Jacquet (Parigi, 1846-1909)

Gustave Jacquet è stato un pittore Francese.

Gustave Jean Jacquet è noto come il pittore dei ritratti femminili e, molto meno, di scene storiche. Fu allievo di William Bouguereau, e debuttò al "Salon" del 1865.
Con lo pseudonimo di "Jacquet" illustrò alcune opere umoristiche, in particolare edite da Félix Juven.
Jacquet visse a Parigi cambiando sovente indirizzo.
Infatti, dal 1865-1866, abitò in rue Desbordes-Valmore; dal 1867-1874 fu al 22 di rue Saint Ferdinand, nel 1875 e 1876, si spostò in Avenue Montaigne, dal 1877-1883 in rue de Prony e infine, dal 1884 al 92° di Avenue de Wagram.

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Jacques Prévert | Breakfast / Prima colazione...

Lui ha messo
Il caffè nella tazza
Lui ha messo
Il latte nel caffè
Lui ha messo
Lo zucchero nel caffellatte
Ha girato
Il cucchiaino
Ha bevuto il caffellatte
Ha posato la tazza
Senza parlarmi

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Edgar Allan Poe / Remi Labarre | My spells.. / I miei incantesimi.., 1848

To Marie Louise (Shew), 1848

Not long ago, the writer of these lines,
In the mad pride of intellectuality,
Maintained "the power of words"- denied that ever
A thought arose within the human brain
Beyond the utterance of the human tongue:
And now, as if in mockery of that boast,
Two words-two foreign soft dissyllables-
Italian tones, made only to be murmured
By angels dreaming in the moonlit "dew
That hangs like chains of pearl on Hermon hill,"-
Have stirred from out the abysses of his heart,
Unthought-like thoughts that are the souls of thought,
Richer, far wider, far diviner visions
Than even the seraph harper, Israfel,
(Who has "the sweetest voice of all God’s creatures")
Could hope to utter. And I!

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Valentine Cameron Prinsep (1838-1904)

Indian-born British painter Valentine Cameron Prinsep, often known as Val Princep,was a British painter of the Pre-Raphaelite school.
Prinsep's major paintings were "Miriam watching the infant Moses" (exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1867), "A Venetian lover" (1868), "Bacchus and Ariadne" (1869), "News from abroad" (1871), "The linen gatherers" (1876), "The gleaners" and "A minuet".
In 1877, Prinsep returned to India and painted a huge picture of the Delhi Durbar. It was a commission from Robert Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Earl of Lytton, the Viceroy of India.

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Laimonas Šmergelis (Lithuanian, 1972)

Born in Utena, Lithuania Laimonas Šmergelis is a very talented artist, with many paintings full of vivid colors, surreal elements and great portraits. Laimonas was inspired from Picasso and Gustav Klimt..
1985 - Utena Children Arts School.
1989 - repeatedly graduated from Utena Children Arts School.
1995 - Siauliai Pedagogical University, Bachelor Degree in Arts and Crafts.
1997 - Siauliai Pedagogical University, Master’s Degree in Humanitarian Sciences, Fine Arts Studies.
Worked as arts teacher in a primary school. Since 2003 organizes courses in Utena Region Association for Disabled.Organized about 20 personal exhibitions. Since 1990 participates in group exhibitions (about 40 exhibitions).