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Jim Farrant (British painter, 1972)

Born in Taunton Somerset, British painter🎨 Jim Farrant attended Portsmouth College of Art.
After a period of travel throughout America and Australia he commenced painting full-time in 2002 and has had considerable success since then. Jim's work is inspired by the American realist school.
"The painting process always begins with a photograph. From a substantial collection of digital images, I will make a composite picture".

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Robert Fowler (1853-1926)

Robert Fowler è stato un artista Scozzese che dipinse scene mitologiche e paesaggi.
Fowler è nato ad Anstruther, nel Fife, ed è stato allevato principalmente da suo zio e sua zia mentre i suoi genitori erano via per lavoro.
Ha mostrato una predisposizione molto precoce per l'arte, partendo prima dal disegno a matita per poi passare alla pittura e alla modellazione della creta.
La sua famiglia si trasferì a Liverpool e Fowler andò a scuola al Liverpool College.
All'età di 16 anni, trovò lavoro in un ufficio commerciale dove il suo talento per l'arte fu riconosciuto dal suo datore di lavoro, che incoraggiò i genitori di Fowler a mandarlo alla scuola d'arte.

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Harry Holland (British, 1941)

Harry Holland is widely regarded as one of Britain’s best craftsmen, producing technically brilliant and very beautiful paintings.
His style is distinctive and immediately recognisable, something which every artist seeks.
The paintings are suggestive in the sense that they imply situations, events, or relationships that are not directly expressed; this imbues them with an engaging sense of mystery.
A master of painting, Holland works with uncompromising commitment and sincerity to produce art that is intense and rewarding.

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Alexey Rychkov (Russian, 1968)

Inspired by works of Russian marine painters, Алексея Рычкова specialized in sea landscapes at the beginning of his creative career. The characteristic feature of his paintings is thin and transparent technique of depicting water in motion.
City landscapes of the artist are of romantic spirit and mood: St. Petersburg, the Neva, bridges and embankments, classical architecture. Landscapes of St. Petersburg are akin to works of old masters in the interpretation of the artist.
He has an excellent command of multilayered painting technique which is organically combined with the effective and solemn panoramic compositions.

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George Wesley Bellows | Pittore realista

George Wesley Bellows (1882-1925) è stato un pittore realista Americano, noto per le sue audaci rappresentazioni della vita urbana a New York City.
È diventato, secondo il Columbus Museum of Art, "l'artista americano più acclamato della sua generazione".
George Bellows nacque a Columbus il 19 agosto 1882.
Dopo i primi studi in Ohio, nel 1904 si trasferì a New York.

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Charles Gleyre | The teacher of Monet and Renoir

Marc Gabriel Charles Gleyre (1806-1874) was a Swiss artist who was a resident in France from an early age.
He took over the studio of Paul Delaroche in 1843 and taught a number of younger artists who became prominent, including Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Auguste Toulmouche, Louis-Frederic Schützenberger and Henri-Lionel Brioux.

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Edna St. Vincent Millay | Sweet love, sweet thorn / O dolce amore, dolce spina

Sweet love, sweet thorn, when lightly to my heart
I took your thrust, whereby I since am slain,
And lie disheveled in the grass apart,
A sodden thing bedrenched by tears and rain,
While rainy evening drips to misty night,
And misty night to cloudy morning clears,
And clouds disperse across the gathering light,