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Mark Arian (American, 1947)

"To me, art is an expression of the rapture of being.. unveiling a fragment of the radiance within all form I believe that art can awaken the soul.. to the timeless presence of beauty and truth" - Mark Arian.

The exceptional work of American🎨 realist painter Mark Arian is the product of natural artistic talent, heartfelt passion, and more than fifty years of study and observation.

He was born in Des Moines, Iowa and received formal training in painting and sculpture at the Frudakis Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the Barnstone Studios in Allentown, Pennsylvania, a private art academy in Florence, Italy, and the La Jolla Atheneum, and Watts Atelier in San Diego, California.

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Andrew Atroshenko (Russian, 1965)

Born in the City of Pokrovsk, Russia, Андрей Атрошенко / Andrew Atroshenko became part of a gifted child program at the Children's Art School there, and was later accepted at the St. Petersburg Academy of Art, one of the world’s most prestigious art schools.
In 1999 Andrew spent the entire year in the U.S. He was invited by "Bay Arts", a New England based group, to take part in their exhibitions and activities.

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Yiannis Ritsos / Praxiteles | Omens / Segni, 1968

Praxiteles🎨 (Πραξιτέλης) of Athens (4th century BC) | Apollo Sauroktonos (detail)

The statues were quickly hidden by weeds. We didn’t know
whether the statues had shrunk or whether the grasses had grown. Only
a large copper hand remained visible, like a terrible benediction,
above the tangle of unsightly shapes. Woodcutters
passed by on the road below - they never turned their heads.

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Scott Burdick, 1967

Scott Burdick was born in Chicago, Illinois where his mother and father early on encouraged his interest in Art.
"I spent a lot of time in hospitals as a child and remember my mother showing me how to transform simple shapes like circles, triangles, and squares into objects like planes, helicopters, and fish.
It seemed such a magical thing and made spending so much time in casts and on crutches much more bearable".
In high school, Scott began taking life-drawing classes at the American Academy of Art under the legendary Bill Parks.

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Egon Schiele | Sera bagnata / Nasser Abend

Ho voluto ascoltare la sera respirare fresca,
gli alberi neri di temporale –
dico: gli alberi neri, di temporale –
poi le zanzare, lamentose,
i ruvidi passi di contadini,
le campane echeggianti lontano.
Volevo sentire gli alberi in regata

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Michael Malm (American, 1972)

"My purpose in painting is to communicate the emotions and beauty that I experience to the viewer with the hope that the painting will trigger a similar emotional response in them. Ultimately, I hope my work uplifts and inspires" - Michael Malm.
Michael lives in the beautiful Cache Valley of northern Utah with his wife, Juanita, and their four children.
The surrounding rural communities and setting provide backdrops for his figure paintings and inspiration for his landscapes.
His serious study began under Del Parson at Dixie College where he completed his associate’s degree.

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Steve Hanks (1949-2015) | Pittore figurativo

"Ho cercato di essere responsabile e di diffondere immagini positive nel mondo", affermava Steve Hanks.
"Spero che il mio lavoro porti conforto, piacere ed intuizione nella vita delle persone".

Steve Hanks è cresciuto giocando a tennis e facendo surf lungo le spiagge della California meridionale.
"L'oceano mi ha lasciato un'impressione forte e duratura. È stato bello per l'anima essere in acqua, fare surf, nuotare o semplicemente entrare in contatto con il suo potere misterioso".