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Angele Dubos (1844-1916)

Angèle Dubos born Laure Constance Angèle Dubos was a student of the great painter Charles Chaplin (1825-1891)🎨, which opens a course devoted solely to women artists🎨, among which we can mention Mary Cassatt🎨 and Louise Abbéma.
Chaplin encourages its students to participate. She is the first winner🎨 of the contest that gets the gold medal.

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18th century Inventions

Piano by Bartolomeo Cristofori, 1726

The inventions of the 18th century made the modern world that we live in possible.
The 18th century was a time of innovation. The industrial revolution would not be possible if it were not for the men who created the inventions to make life easier and more productive.
Some inventions were improvements on older machinery.


1701 ‣ Jethro Tull invents the seed drill.
1709 ‣ Bartolomeo Cristofori crafts the first piano.
1709 ‣ Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit invents the alcohol thermometer.

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Salvatore Quasimodo / Fabian Perez | Mi chiedi parole..

Mi chiedi parole. Ma il tempo
precipita come un masso sulla mia anima
che vuole certezze, e più non ha sillabe
da offrire se non quelle silenziose
del sangue legate al tuo nome,
o mia vita, mio amore senza fine.

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Mikki Senkarik, 1954 | Romantic Impressionist painter

Mikki Senkarik illustrated 47 major medical textbooks and in her nine years as a medical illustrator was honored 5 times with the Award🎨 of Excellence by her peers.
Before switching to oils she was the most sought after medical artist during her years of practice.
She says, "There is nothing accidental about quality".

Senkarik had dreamed of being an artist as long as she can remember. Her mother recognized the spark of genius before Mikki entered kindergarten.

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Paul Signac: "Il divisionismo è un complesso sistema di armonia.."

"Il divisionismo è un complesso sistema di armonia, un'estetica piuttosto che una tecnica.
Il punto è solo un mezzo.
Dividere è ricercare la potenza e l'armonia del colore, attraverso la rappresentazione della luce colorata mediante elementi puri, ed attraverso l'utilizzo della miscela ottica di questi elementi puri, separati e proporzionati secondo le leggi essenziali del contrasto e della graduazione".

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Salvatore Quasimodo | Che breve notte!

Charles-Amable Lenoir (1860-1926) | Reverie, 1893 (detail)

Che breve notte, amore. Un raggio
di luce è già sulla tua fronte,
nei tuoi capelli di madonna bizantina:

e dai carrozzoni lungo il fiume
assale antiche radici
la voce dei giovani nomadi, funamboli
di gramo pane e di parole murate nello sdegno.

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19th century Inventions

Gaines Ruger Donoho (American painter, 1857-1916) | The Mount, 1880

The 19th century🎨 saw the birth of science as a profession; the term scientist was coined in 1833 by William Whewell, which soon replaced the older term of (natural) philosopher.

mong the most influential ideas of the 19th century were those of Charles Darwin (alongside the independent researches of Alfred Russel Wallace), who in 1859 published the book "The Origin of Species", which introduced the idea of evolution by natural selection.
Another important landmark in medicine and biology were the successful efforts to prove the germ theory of disease.