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Johannes Vermeer | 179 artworks | Page 4

Arshile Gorky about Johannes Vermeer in: 'A visit to the Metropolitan Museum with Gorky'

"Delacroix spoke of the Greek coin being built from the center out. Vermeer has painted in this way, according to the principles of mass..
How beautifully they are drawn - Vermeer does not just make a leaf and place it in the design, he relates space and leaf. [on the painting of Vermeer ‘Allegory on the New Testament].
That drapery - it is abstract - observe how this shape [a space between a shepherd and the tree] curves around the center space while the tree counter-curves opposite it, cutting an egg shape.. ..the spaces on the carpet that carry no figuration are, in fact, shapes of vital importance in building the whole…"

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Ernest Rouart (1874-1942) | Impressionist painter

Ernest Rouart was one of the five children on Henri Rouart (1833-1912), an engineer, collector and artist.
Henri was intimately involved with the Impressionist painters, especially Degas🎨, whose "Dancers at the Bar", now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, he once owned.
Henri exhibited in all the official Salons between 1868-1872 as well as with the Impressionists from 1876-1996 (except 1882).

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Vincent van Gogh | A Woman Walking in a Garden, 1887

"A Woman Walking in a Garden" was painted by Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) in 1887.
As the title indicates, it depicts a woman walking through a garden.
Greenery is everywhere and numerous trees can be seen in the background.
In 1886 van Gogh left Holland for Paris never to return.

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Frederick Goodall RA (1822-1904) | Orientalist painter

Frederick Goodall RA was an English artist🎨.


Frederick Goodall was born in London in 1822, the second son of steel line engraver Edward Goodall (1795-1870). He received his education at the Wellington Road Academy.
Goodall's first commission, for Isambard Brunel, was six watercolour paintings of the Thames Tunnel. Four of these were exhibited at the Royal Academy when Frederick was 16.

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Daniel Sprick, 1953 | Pittore figurativo

Daniel Sprick è un artista del Colorado, noto per il suo realismo contemporaneo nella pittura figurativa, le nature morte ed i paesaggi.
Per Sprick, il Rinascimento settentrionale ed italiano sono i periodi in cui sono state realizzate alcune delle sue opere preferite. A partire dal 1400, ed andando avanti al lavoro di Hans Holbein e Vermeer.
Quando si parla di profondità e sincerità, sia la pittura barocca che quella rinascimentale sono diventate uno standard per l'artista.

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Vladimir Kuš, 1965 | Paintings

Vladimir Kush è un pittore e scultore surrealista nato in Russia.
Ha studiato al Surikov Moscow Art Institute e dopo diversi anni di lavoro come artista a Mosca, sua città natale, è emigrato negli Stati Uniti, stabilendo infine la sua galleria sull'isola di Maui, nelle Hawaii.
I suoi dipinti ad olio sono anche venduti come stampe giclée che hanno contribuito alla sua popolarità ed hanno portato alla creazione di ulteriori gallerie a Laguna Beach, California, Las Vegas e Nevada.
Nel 2011 Kush vinse il Primo Premio🎨 in Pittura alla mostra internazionale Artistes du Monde a Cannes.

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Paul-Michel Dupuy (1869-1949)

Paul Michel Dupuy was a pupil of Léon Bonnat and Albert Maignan at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français every year from 1896 until his death, and became a member of the Salon in 1899.
His "The Elephants at the Zoological Gardens" was awarded🎨 the third class medal in 1901 and his "Luxembourg Palace, Autumn Evening" won the second class medal🎨 in 1902.