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Claude Monet | Spring (Fruit Trees in Bloom) 1873

Claude Monet made this work in the vicinity of his home in Argenteuil, a village on the Seine northwest of Paris that was a favorite gathering place of the Impressionists.
Although the scene has previously been called Plum Blossoms and Apples Trees in Bloom, the type of tree cannot be determined from the flurry of white buds evoked by the artist.

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Tamara de Lempicka | The Baroness with a Brush

Born Maria Gorska in Warsaw, Poland (then a sovereign state of Russia), Tamara de Łempicka (1898-1980) has come to be recognized both by her epithet, "Baroness with a Brush", and as icon of the Roaring Twenties.
As the daughter of wealthy parents, she was sent to Lausanne, Switzerland, to attend boarding school as a child - an experience she despised.
During the summer of one of her final years in Lausanne, however, her grandmother took her on a tour of Italy, where she first witnessed the work of Old Masters, an encounter that would ultimately inspire her life-long passion for art.

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Abraham Pether (1756-1812)

Abraham Pether was an English🎨 landscape painter, recognised for his skill in depicting moonlit scenes.
He was also a talented musician, inventor, mathematician and philosopher.
He painted river and mountain scenery, with classical buildings, in a pleasing though artificial style, somewhat resembling that of Richard Wilson; but his reputation rests on his moonlight subjects, which attracted much admiration, and earned for him the sobriquet of "Moonlight" Pether.

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Albert Gleizes | Impressionist / Cubist artists

Albert Gleizes (1881-1953) as a French artist, theoretician, philosopher, a self-proclaimed founder of Cubism and an influence on the School of Paris.
Albert Gleizes and Jean Metzinger wrote the first major treatise on Cubism, Du "Cubisme", 1912.
Gleizes was a founding member of the Section d'Or group of artists.
He was also a member of Der Sturm, and his many theoretical writings were originally most appreciated in Germany, where especially at the Bauhaus his ideas were given thoughtful consideration.

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Hilda Rix Nicholas (1884-1961)

Hilda Rix Nicholas was an Australian artist.
Born in the Victorian city of Ballarat, she studied under a leading Australian Impressionist, Frederick McCubbin, at the National Gallery of Victoria Art School from 1902-1905 and was an early member of the Melbourne Society of Women Painters and Sculptors.

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Fabian Perez (Buenos Aires, 1967)

Fabian Perez è un artista di Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ha lasciato la sua città natale Campana, all'età di 20 anni e ha iniziato a viaggiare per il mondo cercando di sviluppare il talento artistico che aveva ereditato da sua madre.
Negli anni ha esplorato molti percorsi diversi alla ricerca di una maggiore espressione di sé e verità artistica. Attualmente risiede a Los Angeles.
L'arte e lo stile di Fabian sono unici; la sua arte riflette passione, emozione e pura energia.
È il creatore di un nuovo stile di pittura che ha chiamato Neo Emotionalism, caratterizzato da uno stile narrativo drammatico ed un'atmosfera inebriante.

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Lluis Rizzo Rey, 1959 | Surrealist painter

Lluís Rizzo Rey was born in Barcelona. He had the good luck of growing up with his parents, parental grandparents, brother and five sisters, in an environment that was humble but full of fascination for culture.
Since he was seven years old, Lluís already exhibited a passion for art, and he was drawing every minute he could, whenever he did not need to study.