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Alena Shymchonak | Impressionist painter

Alena Shymchonak is a painter who comes from Estonia. She produces a lot of paintings for collectors in different countries.
She like using palette knife and oil painting to produce her paintings.
Alena’s works found collectors in UK, USA, Canada, China, Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, Turkey and many European countries.
She’s always available for Individual oil painting commissions.

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Pino Daeni (1939-2010)

Pino Daeni, pittore Italiano, nato Giuseppe d'Angelico a Bari, iniziò i studi presso l'istituto d'arte della città. Nel 1960 è entrato all'Accademia di Brera di Milano dove ha perfezionato il suo talento e la sua abilità nella pittura della figura.
Dal 1960-1979 i suoi lavori sono comparsi in alcune importanti mostre in tutta Italia ed in Europa e, nello stesso periodo, due grossi editori italiani, Mondadori e Rizzoli, gli hanno commissionato numerose illustrazioni per copertine di libri.
Tuttavia, Pino Daeni si è sentito limitato a Milano, voleva la libertà artistica che credeva esistesse negli Stati Uniti, e così nel 1979 vi è emigrato sotto il patrocinio della Galleria Borghi.

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Josef Kote, 1964

Josef Kote is a New York-based visual artist, best known for his distinctive style and technique.
A native of Albania, Josef Kote is a skilled and discerning interpreter of color harmonies, light and mood.
The core of Kote’s work is based on expressing feelings and emotions.
His bold brushwork and sweeping strokes of vibrant colors are applied more often than not with a pallet knife, while other areas of the canvas are left monochromatic and devoid of detail, creating a negative space that lets the eye drift to infinity.

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Maryam Mughal, 1987 | Figurative painter

- I am Maryam Mughal, born and brought up in Islamabad, Pakistan.
Since a child, the air in front of me was the canvas and I was brushing it with colors of my thoughts.
One day I did it on paper and the world around me said, wow, since than I was titled as a natural artist and my hands itch to create more art to beautify life around me.

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Anatoly Metlan, 1964 | Impressionist painter

Anatoly Metlan è nato a Yalta, in Ucraina, vicino al Mar Nero.
Crescendo, Metlan ha sviluppato la passione per le opere degli impressionisti.
Dopo il liceo ha frequentato la Krivoi Rog University, nel sud dell'Ucraina.
Mentre era all'università, Metlan espose le sue opere e pian piano si fece un nome.
Nel 1989, era stato accettato nella Guild Artist in Ucraina.

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Shafira Yablonski, 1938 | Impressionist painter

Ukrainian painter Shafira Yablonski was born in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk.
When Shafira was 3 years old the world war II began and her family was evacuated to Kazakhstan.
When the war was over and the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk was liberated, they returned home to Ukraine.
There Shafira spent her childhood and adolescence and finished high school.
All her childhood she was fond of drawing. When Shafira was 15, she joined the art studio at the House of Culture and began learning to paint.

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Zhaoming Wu 吴兆铭, 1955

Zhaoming Wu 吴兆铭 is a Chinese-born painter. Wu grew up in Guangzhou City, China and he received his BFA from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and his MFA from the Academy of Art University, San Francisco, California.
Wu is known best for his figurative paintings. Inspired heavily by 19th century French painting🎨, Wu describes his work as "representational, but not traditional classical".
This can be seen, as Wu uses modern elements of graphic design in his work.