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Arnaldo Ferraguti (1862-1925)

Arnaldo Ferraguti è stato un pittore Italiano Verista, celebre in vita anche per le numerose incisioni con le quali illustrò i libri dell'editore Treves.
Studiò all'Accademia di Belle Arti a Napoli, ma si formò pittoricamente anche grazie alla frequentazione del pittore verista Francesco Paolo Michetti, dal quale apprese anche l'utilizzo della fotografia come strumento per la "cattura" delle immagini.
Divenne celebre nel 1891 con l'enorme dipinto Alla vanga, oggi conservato al Museo del Paesaggio di Verbania-Pallanza, nella quale ritrasse un gruppo di braccianti intenti al lavoro sotto lo sguardo del sorvegliante.
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Camille Corot (1796-1875) | Paysages / Quotes

  • "Set up your study or picture in an orderly fashion. This order should not cramp either the linearist or the colorist... Never lose sight of that first impression by which you were moved. I work on all parts of my painting at once, improving it very gently until I find that the effect is complete".
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Camille Corot (1796-1875) | Landscapes and Quotes

  • "Be guided by feelings alone. Abandon yourself to your first impression. If you really have been touched, you will convey to others the sincerity of your emotion".
  • "Lasciati guidare dai sentimenti da solo. Abbandonati alla tua prima impressione. Se sei stato davvero toccato, trasmetterai agli altri la sincerità della tua emozione".
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He Lihuai 何力怀, 1961 | Realist painter

Mr. He Lihuai 何力怀 - Chinese painter🎨 - was born in Chongqing. He worked as an art designer at Capital Museum from 1985-1996 after receiving Art of Bachelor degree in oil painting at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1984.
As a member of Chinese Artists Association and a professional artist.
He has been honored as a very talented oil painter in contemporary China.

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Vladimir Volegov, 1957

Vladimir Volegov -born in Khabarovsk- is a many-sided visual artist from Russia now residing in Spain.
His early work centered on graphic art for music recordings, comics, and commercial posters.
He is known in the West for his realistic, profusely colored oil paintings often depicting romantically ambiance outdoor family life scenes.

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Tullius Heuer | Surrealist digital painter

Tullius Heuer is a self-taught digital artist from Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil.
He uses techniques like Photomanipulation and basic digital painting to bring his ideas alive.
He masterfully blends his pencil art simulations with real photos in his magical three-dimensional manipulations and the results leave us wondering what would happen if drawings came to life.

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Zoltán Hornyik, 1960 | Impressionist painter

Hungarian painter Zoltán Hornyik was born in Kemecse.
His first maters were Borbála Fekete, János Kapcsa and Lajos Bíró. He graduated at the Teacher Training College of Nyíregyháza as a teacher of arts and geography in 1985.
After a short career as a teacher he transferred into arts. Since then he has been working as a freelance painter.