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Romel de la Torre, 1963

Romel de la Torre attended the American Academy of Art in Chicago, where he was awarded the President's Foundation Award and the Union League Scholarship Award🎨.
After graduating with a fine arts concentration, Romel continued to paint in the Chicago area and joined The Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts, where he began studying with nationally renowned artist Richard Schmid and painting with other painters. It was a turning point of his creative and artistic career.

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Dan Beck, 1955

Dan Beck is an American🎨 Impressionist painter, Oil Painters of America (OPA) signature member - American Impressionist Society (AIS) signature member - Plein-Air Painters of the SouthEast (PAPSE) member .
Wanderlust was Dan's primary motivation in the decade following his graduation from high school.
Dan took to the road, working jobs that included ranch hand in Arizona, construction on the beach of Florida, refinishing furniture in Louisiana and four years in the infantry, including a two year tour in Germany.

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Bryce Cameron Liston, 1965

Born in a small town in Utah, Bryce Cameron Liston believes his first desire to be an artist was formed at a very young age when he would go out with his mother while she painted the Utah landscape.
Later in school, drawing was a comfort zone for Liston.
"It was a subject that excited me - I always had energy and interest for it".
It was here that Liston found his love of the human form.

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Viktor Sheleg, 1962

Victor Sheleg is an Russian self-taught artist, known for working in Abstract style. His creativity is based on his personal worldview, which earned him a solid reputation of an independent artist.
Sheleg developed his style and aesthetic preference in a country isolated from the rest of the world and known for its climate of conformity.

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David Hettinger, 1946 | Pittore figurativo

David Hettinger è nato ad Aurora, nell'Illinois. Hettinger iniziò ad imparare a dipingere all'età di 8 anni.
All'età di 13 anni, un artista locale di nome Mike Spencer gli ha dato una serie di colori ad olio e così ebbe inizio la sua carriera di pittura ad olio.
Si trasferì a New York con un solo desiderio, quello di "imparare cosa fosse essere un vero artista".
Joseph Welna, proprietario della Welna Gallery di Chicago, iniziò a mostrare il lavoro di Hettinger mentre il giovane artista frequentava ancora l'American Academy of Art, a Chicago.
Welna indirizzò Hettinger a studiare con David Leffel e Richard Schmid e lo aiutò a capire come guadagnarsi da vivere come artista sin dal primo giorno.

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Rumi: Ben oltre le idee di giusto e sbagliato c'è un campo. Laggiù ti aspetterò!

Jules-Joseph Lefebvre🎨 (French painter, 1836-1912) Graziella

"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and rightdoing there is a field.
I'll meet you there..
When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about"!

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René Magritte (1898-1967)

René Magritte, in full René-François Ghislain Magritte, Belgian Surrealist artist, one of the most prominent Surrealist painters, whose bizarre flights of fancy blended horror, peril, comedy and mystery.
His works were characterized by particular symbols - the female torso, the bourgeois “little man”, the bowler hat, the castle, the rock, the window, and others.
Two museums in Brussels celebrate Magritte: the René Magritte Museum, largely a biographical museum, is located in the house occupied by the artist and his wife between 1930-1954; and the Magritte Museum, featuring some 250 of the artist’s works, opened in 2009 at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts.