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Gabriel Metsu | Baroque painter

Gabriel Metsu (1629-1667), Dutch painter was a Dutch Golden Age painter famous for his genre works of quiet domestic scenes with an open doorway.
He was a contemporary, in the Delft Guild of St. Luke, of Jan Vermeer with whom his work shares themes and style.
De Hooch was born in Rotterdam to Hendrick Hendricksz de Hooch, a bricklayer, and Annetge Pieters, a midwife.

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Frans Hals | Baroque Era painter

Frans Hals the Elder (1582-1666) was a Dutch Golden Age painter, normally of portraits, who lived and worked in Haarlem.
He is notable for his loose painterly brushwork, and he helped introduce this lively style of painting into Dutch art.
Hals played an important role in the evolution of 17th-century group portraiture.

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Adriaen Brouwer (1605-1638) | Genre painter

Adriaen Brouwer (Oudenaarde, c. 1605 - Antwerp, January 1638) was a Flemish painter🎨 active in Flanders and the Dutch Republic in the first half of the 17th century.
Brouwer was an important innovator of genre painting through his vivid depictions of peasants, soldiers and other 'lower class' individuals engaged in drinking, smoking, card or dice playing, fighting, music making etc. in taverns or rural settings.

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John Singer Sargent: "Fai uno schizzo su qualsiasi cosa e mantieni attiva la curiosità!"

"You can't do sketches enough. Sketch everything and keep your curiosity fresh".
"Non si fanno mai abbastanza schizzi. Fai uno schizzo su qualsiasi cosa e mantieni attiva la tua curiosità".

"Every time I paint a portrait I lose a friend".
"Ogni volta che dipingo un ritratto perdo un amico".

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Canaletto | Vedute of Venice

Giovanni Antonio Canal (18 October 1697 - 19 April 1768), commonly known as Canaletto (Italian: [kanaˈletto]), was an Italian painter🎨 of city views or vedute, of Venice, Rome and London.
He also painted imaginary views (referred to as capricci), although the demarcation in his works between the real and the imaginary is never quite clearcut.
He was further an important printmaker using the etching technique.

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Paul Signac: "The art of the colorist has in some ways elements of mathematics and music"

"Art is a creation of a higher order than a copy of nature which is governed by chance..."
"The art of the colorist has in some ways elements of mathematics and music".
"Divisionism is a complex system of harmony, an aesthetic rather than a technique".

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Cao Yong, 1962 | Tibet painter

Chinese artist Cao Yong 曹勇 spent a year alone in the mountains of Tibet, and the paintings he produced were exhibited in Beijing in early 1989.
Cao Yong's canvases evoke the essence of some of the most delightful places on earth. Although Cao Yong was formally educated in China, the artist achieved maturity during seven years of self-exile in Tibet.
Then he left for Japan, where he quickly became that nation's most honored muralist. Later, he immigrated to America, in this nation know for her freedom of expression, Cao Yong has transferred to an artist who dedicates to the love of nature and passion for life through artwork.