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Maurice de Vlaminck (French, 1876-1958)

De Vlaminck was a french painter. He is considered one of the principal figures in the Fauve Movement, a group of modern artists who from 1904-1908 were united in their use of intense color. Vlaminck was born in Paris of ‘bohemian’ musical parents and he in turn became an accomplished musician.
For a time Vlaminck was a professional racing cyclist until he suffered a bout of typhoid fever in 1896 which abruptly curtailed his sporting career.
Nevertheless he did his military service between 1896-99 and it was only in 1900, when he met the painter André Derain, that he started to take art seriously.

Maurice de Vlaminck 1876-1958 | French Fauvist painter

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Serge Marshennikov | VideoArt

Serge Marshennikov è un pittore Russo nato ad Ufa, la capitale e la città più popolata della Repubblica di Baschiria.
Nel 1995 frenquentò l'Ufa Art College, continuando la sua formazione presso una delle più prestigiose accademie d'arte del mondo, l'Accademia di Belle Arti Repin di San Pietroburgo, in Russia.
Marshennikov è stato premiato "Chairman's Choice Award"Al salone del Centro internazionale per il rinnovo dell'arte 2008/2009 e ha ricevuto il Certificato di Eccellenza per il suo eccezionale risultato in arte.
Nel 2008 è stato scelto come "Top 30" dalla Portrait Society of America.
I dipinti di Marshennikov sono venduti con successo attraverso importanti aste d'arte, tra cui Christie's of London e Bonham's a Knightsbridge, London.

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William Bouguereau | Les oranges, 1865

The image of a mother and child is a symbol of universal relevance. It exists and is celebrated within every culture, throughout its respective history.
Through iconic works like Les Oranges, Bouguereau has made an enduring contribution to this fundamental canon of imagery and he continues to have a profound impact on how such images are produced and received to this day.
The present painting is among Bouguereau's greatest achievements. His virtuosity is apparent in every element of the painting, which was executed at the height of his genius.
His debt to the Renaissance masters is evident here and the religious overtones of this painting are subtly underlined by the inclusion of the oranges, recognized in symbolic terms as a substitute for the apple in the hand of the infant Christ.

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Antonio Fuertes (Spanish painter, 1940-1988)

Antonio Fuertes was a self taught painter. His works are very mesmerizing and they are often presented with an oriental Theme.
He mostly paints and draws figures, people, especially male and female in the Alhambra in Granada and Moroccan landscapes.
Earlier he used to work in shop advertising and was engaged in the cinemas and theatre in Madrid.

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Alan Ayers | Illustratore di romanzi rosa

Alan Ayers è un artista premiato di copertine per romanzi d'amore nella categoria storica della rete di autori pubblicati da Romance Writers of America.

Nato a Gainesville, in Florida, mi sono laureato alla Tyler School of Art della Temple University con un BFA nel 1981.
Sebbene abbia ricevuto una formazione tradizionale e abbia creato immagini in acrilico ed olio per molti anni, lavoro in digitale dal 1995.
Sento che il mondo digitale ha portato nuova energia al mio lavoro.

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Peter Philipp Rumpf | Ragazza che legge su una sedia di vimini

Peter Philipp Rumpf (1821-1896) è stato un pittore ed incisore Tedesco.
Rumpf era figlio del pasticciere Sebastian Rumpf e di Marianne Rumpf, nata Melzer.
Imparò l'arte dolciaria dal padre e nel 1836 iniziò a studiare nella classe di scultura con Johann Nepomuk Zwerger allo Städel Art Institute di Francoforte.
Dal 1838 studiò pittura con Jakob Becker, Carl Friedrich Wendelstadt, Heinrich von Rustige e Jakob Fürchtegott Dielmann.

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Emilio Longoni | The Voice Of The Stream / La voce del ruscello, 1904

Artist: Emilio Longoni🎨 (Italian painter🎨, July 9, 1859 - November 29, 1932)
Date: 1904
Style: Divisionism
Current location: Galleria Bottegantica