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Henri Matisse: "Occorre guardare tutta la vita con gli occhi di un bambino"

"Creare è proprio dell'artista; dove non c'è creazione, l'arte non esiste.
Nel campo dell'arte, il creatore autentico non è solo un essere particolarmente dotato, è un uomo che ha saputo ordinare in vista del loro fine un insieme di attività, delle quali l'opera d'arte è il risultato finale.
Vedere è già di per sé un atto creativo.

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Orazio Gentileschi | Stile artistico

Orazio Lomi Gentileschi (1563-1639) non fu un pedissequo riproduttore delle novità caravaggesche; la sua pittura sviluppò infatti una versione autonoma della pittura del lombardo, fondendo nella sua opera le luminosità e le forme michelangiolesche del manierismo toscano con quelle del naturalismo romano-lombardo di Caravaggio.
Tuttavia i biografi del tempo non citano mai Orazio Gentileschi come uno dei seguaci del Merisi, seppur fu di fatto uno dei primi assieme a Giovanni Baglione.
Fino all'incontro con Caravaggio le opere risentivano ancora di un manierismo tardo cinquecentesco tipico toscano.

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Lucas Cranach the Elder | Renaissance painter

Lucas Cranach the Elder embodies the ideals of Renaissance man active not only as a painter and printmaker, but also as an entrepreneur and politician.
Little can be stated with any certainty about his early life except that he was born in the town of Kronach in Northern Franconia as one of four children to the painter Hans Maler and that his mother's maiden name was Hübner.
His exact birth date is unknown, but it was probably in the year 1472.

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Georges de La Tour | La buona ventura, 1630-1640

Mentre una vecchia ed astuta zingara gli predice il futuro, un giovane ingenuo viene derubato dalle complici della donna.
Nel Seicento questo tema era popolare tra i pittori seguaci di Caravaggio in tutta Europa.
Il quadro di Georges de La Tour (1593-1652) potrebbe essere stato ideato in termini melodrammatici come allusione alla parabola del figliol prodigo.
Nell’iscrizione appare il nome della città di Lunéville, nella Lorena, dove viveva La Tour. | Fonte: © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Dorian Florez (Colombian, 1960)

Dorian Florez is an artist from Colombia. He was born in Caldas Antioquia. He studied clinical psychology in University of Paris in the period 1982-1988.
He studied clinical psychology in University of Paris in the period 1982-1988. At the same time, he was attending School of Fine Arts in Nantes (France) from 1983-1985. He had many other studies and attended many workshops to strengthen his skills.

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Theodor von Holst | The Bride, 1842

Theodor Richard Edward von Holst (3 September 1810 - 14 February 1844) was a British Romantic painter.
Von Holst was born in London, the fourth of the five children of Matthias and Katharina von Holst. Von Holst's drawing talents were noticed by the artist Henry Fuseli and Sir Thomas Lawrence. Lawrence even bought drawings from the ten-year-old Von Holst.

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David P. Hettinger, 1946

David Hettinger was born in Aurora, Illinois and began drawing around the age of 8. His subjects were T.V. and movie cowboys.
At age 13 he was given a set of oil paints by Mike Spencer, a local artist who ran the barber shop across from St. Joe's School where Hettinger was a student.
Formal art training began at the American Academy of Art in Chicago under Joseph vanden Brouck. Under Mr. Van, as he was called, Hettinger learned classical realism and the techniques of the Flemish, Dutch and Spanish Masters. After four years at the academy, Hettinger moved to New York City where he studied with David Leffel and Richard Schmid.
During his two years in Leffel's studio he painted still-life's and figures, always working from live models. He learned the importance of working from life from Schmid and Leffel and to this day attends life drawing sketch groups twice a week to keep his drawing skills fine tuned.