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Jean-François de Troy | Study of three figures

Jean-François de Troy, de Troy also spelled Detroy (baptized January 27, 1679, Paris, France - died January 26, 1752, Rome, Papal States [Italy]), French Rococo painter known for his tableaux de mode, or scenes of the life of the French upper class and aristocracy, especially during the period of the regency-e.g., Hunt Breakfast (1737) and Luncheon with Oysters (1735).
As a youngster he studied with his father, François de Troy (1645–1730), a portrait painter from Toulouse, but moved to Italy at 14 years of age.
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Alena Plihal (Canadan painter)

Born in the Czech republic Alena as been established in Quebec for many years, Alena explores several techniques at her disposal to create vibrante paintings.
Since her firt work painting has been a deliverance and freedom!
The pictorial expression of Alena is passionate and communicative.

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Debra Hill | Australia

Originaria di Sydney, in Australia, Debra risiede a New York.
Dalla diversa energia di Manhattan crea potenti pezzi narrativi tratti dalla sua immaginazione.
Eseguiti in olio su tela, i suoi stimolanti dipinti simbolici utilizzano una tavolozza di colori vibranti.
Debra ha studiato disegno dal vero e ritrattistica alla Paddington Art School di Sydney.
Il suo fascino per la figura combinato con la sua passione per la danza ha portato a pezzi figurativi dinamici in cui il soggetto quasi salta fuori dalla tela.

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Claude Monet | Bridge at Argenteuil on a gray day, 1876

Bridge at Argenteuil on a Gray Day
Artist: Claude Monet
Date: 1876, Impressionism
Current location: National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C.
Original size: 24.0 x 31.6" (61 x 80.3 cm)
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Armand Guillaumin | The rackets, 1880

Born Jean-Baptiste Armand Guillaumin in Paris, Armand Guillaumin worked at his uncle's lingerie shop while attending evening drawing lessons.
He also worked for a French government railway before studying at the Académie Suisse in 1861.
There, he met Paul Cézanne and Camille Pissarro with whom he maintained lifelong friendships. While he never achieved the stature of these two, his influence on their work was significant.

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Edward Cucuel | Autumn Sun

American painter🎨 Edward Alfred Cucuel (1875-1954) was born in San Francisco, California.
He is best known for his paintings of sunny genre scenes of boating, afternoon tea, sleeping or reading in landscape settings.

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Pascal Chove, 1963

Nato a Parigi, Pascal Chove ha studiato presso la scuola d'arte applicata Ecole des Arts Appliques Duperre di Parigi.
Fino al 1986, ha dipinto numerosi murales a Parigi e nel resto della Francia; in seguito a questo periodo decise di concentrarsi esclusivamente sulla pittura da cavalletto.
Preferisce lavorare con il legno perchè non ama dipingere su tela, la trova troppo morbida ed inadatta per il suo stile, le sue opere devono essere graffiate e raschiate.
Dipinge i suoi quadri con la resina su cui aggiunge vari materiali come cartone, reti o tessuti. Si possono vedere diversi piani sovrapposti supportati dall’uso elaborato della luce.