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Auguste Rodin at work, 1915

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Claude Monet | Promenade près d'Argenteuil, 1875

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Girls in Black, 1882 | Pushkin Museum

Young Women in Black or Young Girls in Black (French: Jeunes Filles en noir) is an 1880-1882 painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, which since 1948 has been in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow.
From 1908 to 1918 it was in Sergei Schukin's collection.
In 1918 it was moved to the 1st Museum of New Western Painting, which five years later merged with the 2nd Museum of New Western Painting to form the State Museum of New Western Art, where the painting remained until that institution was abolished in 1948.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | After the Luncheon, 1879 | Städel Museum

In the arbour of a Parisian restaurant, an abundant meal is drawing to a close.
The actress Ellen Andrée has taken the last sip of her after-dinner drink; lost in thought, she clings to its lingering taste.
One of Renoir’s models is perched on the back of the bench and watches expectantly as the artist’s brother lights a cigarette with obvious satisfaction.
There is a lull in the otherwise lively conversation.
With great mastery, Renoir has captured the ephemeral impression on canvas in a seemingly spontaneous “snapshot”. | © Städel Museum

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Zinaida Serebriakova

Zinaida Evgen'evna Serebriakova (nata Lanceray) /Зинаи́да Евге́ньевна Серебряко́ва, è stata una pittrice Russa naturalizzata Francese, tra le più importanti artiste nella Russia imperiale e sovietica.
La semplicità, la raffinatezza dei paesaggi da lei ritratti, la sensualità femminile delle sue opere così ricche di luce e plasticità ne hanno decretato il grande successo, sin da giovane.
Zinaida Serebriakova nacque nella tenuta di Neskučnoe nei pressi di Kharkov (l'attuale Charkiv, Ucraina) in una famiglia con una lunga tradizione nell'arte.
Il nonno Nicholas Benois, era un celebre architetto, presidente della Società degli Architetti e membro dell'Accademia russa delle scienze.
Lo zio, Aleksandr Nikolaevič Benois, era un famoso pittore, fondatore del gruppo artistico Mir iskusstva.
Il padre, Yevgeny Nikolayevich Lanceray era un scultore di fama e la madre, sorella di Aleksandr aveva del talento per il disegno.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Young Girls Looking at an Album, 1892

Children and adolescents were a constant source of inspiration for Renoir, and they figured in his work throughout his career.
The painter experimented with using light touches and freely applied gestures to capture the sincerity as well as the delicate traits and characteristic flush of his young subjects.
In this double portrait, Renoir explored subtle contrasts between colors and principles of figuration.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Woman in an Armchair, 1874