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Jim Warren, 1949 | Pittore surrealista

Jim Warren nasce a Long Beach, in California ed attualmente vive a Clearwater, in Florida.
Jim Warren è uno degli artisti più versatili e di successo che vivono oggi.
Tradizionale, nel senso che usa oli su tela, ma qualsiasi cosa, da convenzionale, Jim crea ciò che sente e non conforme.
Predilige nelle sue opere temi ispirati alla natura.

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David Ligare, 1945

Nato a Oak Park, Illinois David Ligare è un pittore Americano contemporaneo. Ha ricevuto la sua formazione artistica presso l’Art Center College of Design di Los Angeles.
I suoi dipinti sono presenti nelle collezioni del Museum of Modern Art di New York, nel Museo di Belle Arti Musei di San Francisco, al San Jose Museum of Art, al Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi di Firenze ed al Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza di Art di Madrid.
Il realismo contemporaneo è un approccio che utilizza la rappresentazione semplice, ma è diverso da fotorealismo, nel senso che non esagera e non è ironico in natura.
Dal 1978 si è concentrato sulla pittura di nature morte, paesaggi e figure che sono influenzati dall'epoca greco-romana.

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Yoshiro Tachibana / 橘与四郎

Yoshiro Tachibana (1941-2016) is an Japanese painter born in Sanda (Kobe), based in Spain (La Coruna).
He is the son of the painter Nakaba Tachibana (1902-2000).
Yoshiro began to study art in Tokyo in 1962 and became inspired by the work of Klee.
In 1969 he traveled to Spain and Germany.
He lived in Hamburg and Kiel until 1973 and then Moved to Norway.
In 1975 he decided to settle in a small fishing village, Muxia (La Coruña) and began exhibiting his work in various cities in Galicia.

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Charles Leroy-Saint-Aubert | Au dessus du Boulevard de Sebastopol, Paris

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Andrew Wyeth (1917-2009)

Wyeth was an american painter, primarily a realist painter, working predominantly in a Regionalist Style.
He was one of the best-known U.S. artists of the middle 20th century.born in the small rural Pennsylvania town of Chadds Ford.
He was home schooled in many subjects, including art education. Known to shun traditional oils, Wyeth instead opted to work with watercolors, drybrush, a technique where watercolors are used but water is squeezed or otherwise removed from the brush, and egg tempera (a medium where egg yolks are used as a binding agent and mixed with pigment to make paint).
Perhaps Andrew Wyeth is famous not so much for the type of painter he was, but more the painter he wasn't, as his subjects and style also varied drastically from many of the abstract oil painters from that period.

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Theodore Robinson (1852-1896)

Theodore Robinson è stato un pittore statunitense, celebre per i suoi paesaggi impressionisti. Fu uno dei primi artisti americani a sposare interamente l'impressionismo verso la fine degli anni 1880.
Le sue frequentazioni di Claude Monet furono intense e determinanti.
Molte sue tele sono considerate capolavori dell'impressionismo americano.


Theodore Robinson nacque in un piccolo borgo rurale nel Vermont, ma la sua famiglia, poco dopo la sua nascita, andò a stabilirsi a Evansville, nel Wisconsin. Per questo il giovane Theodore iniziò i suoi studi d'arte all'"Art Insitute of Chicago" nel 1869.
L'anno seguente soggiornò a Denver, nel Colorado, presso le Montagne Rocciose, per alleviare le sue crisi d'asma.
Nel 1874, trasferitosi a New York, frequentò sia la "National Academy of Desing" che la "Art Students League".

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Vincent Van Gogh | Drawings | Page 2

Generally overshadowed by the fame and familiarity of his paintings, Vincent van Gogh’s more than 1,100 drawings remain comparatively unknown, although they are among his most ingenious and striking creations. Van Gogh engaged drawing and painting in a rich dialogue, which enabled him to fully realize the creative potential of both means of expression.
Largely self-taught, Van Gogh believed that drawing was "the root of everything".
His reasons for drawing were numerous. At the outset of his career, he felt it necessary to master black and white before attempting to work in color. Thus, drawings formed an inextricable part of his development as a painter. There were periods when he wished to do nothing but draw.