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Antonio Ermolao Paoletti | Venetian flower sellers

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Pablo Picasso: "La pittura non è fatta per decorare gli appartamenti"

"Quando uno inizia un ritratto e cerca per successive eliminazioni di trovare la forma pura... si finisce inevitabilmente con un uovo..."
"Dipingere non è un'operazione estetica: è una forma di magia intesa a compiere un'opera di mediazione fra questo mondo estraneo ed ostile e noi."
"Dipingo gli oggetti come li penso, non come li vedo."
"I 40 anni sono quell'età in cui ci si sente finalmente giovani. Ma è troppo tardi."

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Mary Jane Ansell, 1972

Mary Jane Ansell è stata finalista del prestigioso BP Portrait Award nel 2004, 2009, 2010 e 2012 e successivamente è stata incaricata dalla National Portrait Gallery di dipingere Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou.
Espone regolarmente con la Royal Society of Portrait Painters, è membro del CBPP Contemporary British Portrait Painters, vive nel Regno Unito ed espone a livello internazionale con recenti mostre collettive e personali a Londra, New York e Los Angeles.

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Rabindranath Tagore | At the end of the day

I know, this day will come to an end
At the end of the day
Wanly smiling
The dying sun will look at my face
Bidding me its last farewell.

The flute will play by the side of the way
The cattle will graze on the banks of the river

Louis Apol | Winter landscape with sunset

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Giuseppe De Nittis | Figura di donna, 1880

Giuseppe De Nittis (February 25, 1846 - August 21, 1884) was one of the most important Italian painters🎨 of the 19th century, whose work merges the styles of Salon art🎨 and Impressionism.
De Nittis exhibited twelve paintings in the Exposition Universelle of 1878, and was awarded🎨 a gold medal.
In that same year he received the Légion d’honneur.

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Juan Gris | The reader, 1926

"Cézanne made a cylinder out of a bottle. I start from the cylinder to create a special kind of individual object. I make a bottle - a particular bottle - out of a cylinder".

"I try to make concrete that which is abstract".

"No work which is destined to become a classic can look like the classics which have preceded it. In art, as in biology, there is heredity but no identity with the ascendants. Painters inherit characteristics acquired by their forerunners; that is why no important work of art can belong to any period but its own, to the very moment of its creation. It is necessarily dated by its own appearance. The conscious will of the painter cannot intervene".

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Charles Ricketts R.A. | The Wise and Foolish Virgins, 1914