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Francisco Goya | La duquesa de Abrantes, 1816

Doña Manuela Isidra Téllez-Girón y Alonso de Pimentel (1793-1838) era la figlia minore dei Duchi di Osuna (P00739) e sorella della Marchesa di Santa Cruz, anch'essa ritratta da Goya.
Nel 1813 sposò Don Ángel María de Carvajal y Fernández de Córdoba y Gonzaga (1793-1839), futuro VIII Duca di Abrantes (1816).
Come il resto dei suoi fratelli, ha ricevuto un'educazione illuminata dalla sua famiglia e tra i suoi hobby c'erano la musica ed il canto, come rivela Goya nel suo ritratto attraverso la partitura musicale.

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Cesare Lapini (1848-1893) | Sorpresa

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Agnolo Bronzino | Maria Magdalena, 1565

Mary Magdalene (Young Florentine Woman portrayed as the Magdalene) is an painting of about 1565 by the Florentine painter Agnolo Bronzino.
It is now in the Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas.
Shoulder length representation of a young woman holding an alabaster ointment jar in her proper right hand.
She is blond, has a halo, and turns to the left.
She wears a green dress and a yellow scarf (identified as cangiant).
She has pearls in her hair.

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Jean Metzinger | Woman with a Fan, 1913

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Juan Gris | La chanteuse /La cantante, 1926

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André Lhote | House by the Lake, 1925

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Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Roman Widow, 1874