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Guy Cambier (1923-2008)

Nato ad Uccle-lez-Bruxelles, Guy Cambier fu un pittore di genere, figure, ritratti e nature morte. All'età di nove anni perse l'uso delle gambe a causa di un tragico incidente.
Era autodidatta e studiava le tecniche e le opere di quegli artisti che emulava, Corot e Watteau.
Cambier inizia ad esporre nel 1942, prima in Belgio e poi in Francia in Costa Azzurra oltre che negli Stati Uniti ed a Parigi al Salon des Peintres Temoins de leur Temps.
Nel 1957 riceve il premio parigino “Le Prix de la Jeune Peintre”.

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Manner of Rembrandt | Young Woman with a Red Necklace, 1645

The same model appears in "Study of a Young Girl" (formerly marquis de Pontalba, Senlis; later Jane Taft Ingalls, Cleveland; current whereabouts unknown), and possibly also in "Young Woman at an Open Half-Door" (Art Institute of Chicago), attributed to Samuel van Hoogstraten.
The picture is also closely related to "A Woman Weeping" (Detroit Institute of Arts), assigned to the circle of Rembrandt.
In the 1950s, when this small panel was in the well-known collection of Sidney van den Bergh, it was frequently exhibited as a Rembrandt, as it had been in the celebrated Amsterdam exhibition of 1898.

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Rembrandt | Young Woman at an Open Half-Door, 1645

This young woman, with her sidelong glance and the ambiguous lift at the corner of her mouth, exemplifies the playful nature of Rembrandt van Rijn’s character studies, called tronies, as well as his use of doorways and windows as clever framing devices.
However, the overall flatness of this composition argues against Rembrandt’s authorship.
It may have been created by a member of his prolific workshop and then endorsed as a studio product with the artist’s signature and date. | Art Institute of Chicago

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Louis Béroud | The Missing Mona Lisa

Louis Béroud (January 17, 1852, Lyon-October 9, 1930, Paris) was a French painter of the late 19th, early 20th century.
Some of his paintings are visible at the Musée Carnavalet and The Louvre in Paris.
On August 22, 1911, Béroud came to The Louvre to sketch his painting Mona Lisa au Louvre but where the famous La Joconde, by Leonardo da Vinci, should have stood, he found four iron pegs.
Béroud contacted the section head of the guards, who thought the painting was being photographed for marketing purposes.

Louis Béroud after Leonardo da Vinci | The Mona Lisa, or La Gioconda | Christie's

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Giorgio di Tomaso Schiavone | Madonna and Child, 1459-60

Giorgio Schiavone, or Juraj Ćulinović (Skradin, 1433 or 1436 – 1504), was a Croatian born painter, active in Italy and Dalmatia.
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Edgar Degas | Before the Performance, 1896

This is a relatively small canvas for Degas’s late work, and indeed, some of the dancers’ poses look back to his earlier ballet pictures from the 1870s.
Here, a group of dancers are on stage preparing themselves for the impending performance: they practise their positions and one ballerina stoops to tie her shoe.
The dancers are not individuals, but faceless memories of a scene he had once observed.

Edgar Degas | Before the Performance, 1896 | National Galleries of Scotland

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Charles Jalabert | Nymphs Listening to the Songs of Orpheus, 1853