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Louis Béroud | The Missing Mona Lisa

Louis Béroud (January 17, 1852, Lyon-October 9, 1930, Paris) was a French painter of the late 19th, early 20th century.
Some of his paintings are visible at the Musée Carnavalet and The Louvre in Paris.
On August 22, 1911, Béroud came to The Louvre to sketch his painting Mona Lisa au Louvre but where the famous La Joconde, by Leonardo da Vinci, should have stood, he found four iron pegs.
Béroud contacted the section head of the guards, who thought the painting was being photographed for marketing purposes.

Louis Béroud after Leonardo da Vinci | The Mona Lisa, or La Gioconda | Christie's

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Giorgio di Tomaso Schiavone | Madonna and Child, 1459-60

Giorgio Schiavone, or Juraj Ćulinović (Skradin, 1433 or 1436 – 1504), was a Croatian born painter, active in Italy and Dalmatia.
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Edgar Degas | Before the Performance, 1896

This is a relatively small canvas for Degas’s late work, and indeed, some of the dancers’ poses look back to his earlier ballet pictures from the 1870s.
Here, a group of dancers are on stage preparing themselves for the impending performance: they practise their positions and one ballerina stoops to tie her shoe.
The dancers are not individuals, but faceless memories of a scene he had once observed.

Edgar Degas | Before the Performance, 1896 | National Galleries of Scotland

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Charles Jalabert | Nymphs Listening to the Songs of Orpheus, 1853

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Nino Pajot, 1945 | Pittore di figure

Marcel Nino Pajot è un pittore ed illustratore Francese, nato in Vergt, nel Périgord.
Ammesso nel 1965 alla Scuola Nazionale di Arti e Mestieri a Angers, abbandona la scuola perché non può essere separato dal suo amore d'infanzia; Manou, che sarà per sempre la sua musa e modella.
Autodidatta, Pajot forgia le sue qualità pittoriche in contatto con molti artisti, professionisti o dilettanti che incontra nel laboratorio della Società di Belle Arti di Perigord creato nel 1978 dai pittori Jean-Daniel Ribeyrol e Paul-André Enard.

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Joe Anna Arnett (American painter, 1950)

Nata a Jacksonville, una piccola città nelle lussureggianti foreste del Texas orientale, Joe Anna Arnett sapeva che sarebbe diventata un artista.
Si è laureata all'Università del Texas, conseguendo un Bachelor in Fine Arts, quindi si è trasferita a New York ed alla fine è diventata Senior Art Director per Young and Rubicam Advertising, lavorando su account come Merrill Lynch e People Magazine.
A New York, ha proseguito i suoi studi in belle arti alla Art Student's League. Nel 1984, Arnett si trasferì a Santa Fe, nel New Mexico.

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Annick Bouvattier, 1964 | Figurative painter

Annick Bouvattier is born in the mid-sixties in Nevers, France. His father, a pediatrician and art collector, gave her his love of fine arts.
In 1982, bachelor of science degree in hand, she abandons the family tradition of medical studies to enroll in fashion school "Berçot-Marie Rucki" where for two years, she trained as a stylist.
Presented in Paris and the Villa Medici (Rome), her creations earning the esteem of professionals and are the subject of numerous publications in the press.
However, more attracted by shows than by fashion boutiques, Annick Bouvattier begin her working life in cinema and commercials.
Costume designer, she often works in the studios of Cinecitta in Rome.