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Jean-Claude Campana, 1941

Jean-Claude Campana è un artista Francese nato nel 1941 che attualmente vive e lavora a Venezia.
Ha iniziato la sua carriera esponendo insieme a Baboulène, Buffet, Hilaire, Brayer.
L'approccio di questi Maestri incoraggia il talento di Campana, che già in gioventù, costruisce un carattere forte.
Forte della sua esperienza nel surrealismo, nel simbolismo e nel realismo, Jean-Claude Campana è devoto a Venezia, con uno stile molto personale.

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Lord Frederic Leighton | Greek Girls Playing at Ball, 1889

Frederic Leighton, later Lord Leighton (1830-1896) was one of the leading Victorian Classicists, a group of late 19th century artists inspired by classical art.
They painted historical, biblical and classical subjects and their style tended to be sophisticated and highly polished.
"Greek Girls Playing Ball" does not refer to a specific historical or mythological event.

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Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse | Scultore figurativo

Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse (nato Albert-Ernest Carrier de Belleuse; 1824–1887) è stato uno scultore Francese. Fu uno dei membri fondatori della Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts e fu nominato ufficiale della Legion d'Onore.

Primi anni di vita

Carrier-Belleuse nacque il 12 giugno 1824 ad Anizy-le-Château, Aisne, Francia.
Ha iniziato la sua formazione come apprendista orafo.
Carrier-Belleuse fu allievo di David d'Angers e studiò brevemente all'École des Beaux-Arts.
La sua carriera si distingue per la sua versatilità e il suo lavoro fuori dalla Francia: in Inghilterra tra il 1850-1855 (lavorando per Mintons), ed a Bruxelles intorno al 1871.

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Venice by Canaletto, Monet, Renoir, Turner, Corot, Boldini..

Venice is a city in northeast Italy which is renowned for the beauty of its setting, its architecture and its artworks.
Venice has been known as the "La Dominante", "Serenissima", "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Masks", "City of Bridges", "The Floating City" and "City of Canals". The name is derived from the ancient Veneti people who inhabited the region by the 10th century B.C. The city historically was the capital of the Venetian Republic.

Canaletto 1697-1768

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Vincent van Gogh | Lane with Poplars, 1885

"Lane with Poplars near Nuenen" is an oil on canvas painting, created by the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh in 1885.
This masterpiece is in the Museum Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam, Germany.

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Isaac Israëls | Woman before Sunflowers by van Gogh, 1917

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Ferdinand du Puigaudeau | Shrimp Fisherwoman, 1891

"Shrimp Fisherwoman" was created in 1891 by French painter Ferdinand du Puigaudeau (1864-1930) in Neo-Impressionism style.
He painted many Breton scenes and was fascinated with the tradition of the pardon with its processions and rituals, as indeed were many artists over the years.
He also favoured painting studies of Breton women.
Some paintings are shown below and his fascination with the effects of light are evident in his use of flickering candlelight.