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Alexander Saidoff, 1970

Saidoff è nato nel a Pavlovsk, in Daghestan, Russia. La famiglia di Alessandro apparteneva ad un clan che a un certo punto governava la regione montuosa in Daghestan, ma che alla fine si dissolse attraverso una lunga serie di faide con altri clan.
La sua famiglia abbonda di talenti artistici; molti dei suoi i membri erano ballerini, cantanti, musicisti e pittori.

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Precisionism, also known as Cubist Realism

Georgia O'Keeffe, Elsie Driggs, Francis Criss, Charles Demuth, Edward Hopper, Charles Sheeler and Herman Trunk were prominent The Precisionist Movement, also referred to as Cubist-Realists, Sterilists and Immaculates.
Precisionism was an artistic movement that emerged in the United States after World War I and was at its height during the inter-War period.
The term itself was first coined in the early 1920s.

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Vincent van Gogh | A Sunday in Eindhoven, 1885

"A Sunday in Eindhoven" is a painting by Vincent van Gogh, created in Nuenen in May - September, 1885 and located at Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam.

Title: A Sunday in Eindhoven.
Artist: Vincent van Gogh.
Date: Nuenen, May-September 1885.
Style: Post-Impressionism.
Media: Watercolour, pen and ink, on paper
Dimensions: 20.8 cm x 29.5 cm.
Current location: Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation).

Vincent van Gogh | A Sunday in Eindhoven, 1885 | Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

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Vincent van Gogh | The Cottage, 1885

The old cottage beneath the red evening sky presents an idyllic picture of rural life.
Van Gogh called these humble farmhouses 'people's nests'.
He felt they had a sheltering quality.
This cottage contains two houses with two front doors and a shared chimney.

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Edvard Munch | Starry Night, 1893

This night landscape represents the coastline at Åsgårdstrand, a small beach resort south of Oslo in Norway, where Edvard Munch spent his summers from the 1880s onward.
Here Munch tried to capture the emotions called forth by the night rather than to record its picturesque qualities.
The color blue conveys the mysticism and melancholy of the landscape, which seems full of premonitions.
An abstract mound at the right represents a clump of trees; a white fence runs diagonally in front. The vaguely defined shape on the fence may be a shadow of two lovers, a recurring theme in Munch's work.

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Edgar Degas | Miss LaLa at the Cirque Fernando Paris, 1879

Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando is an oil on canvas painting by the French Impressionist artist Edgar Degas.
Painted in 1879 and exhibited at the Fourth Impressionist Exhibition in Paris that same year, it is now in the collection of the National Gallery in London.
It is Degas's only circus painting, and Miss La La is the only identifiable person of color in Degas's works.
The special identity of Miss La La and the great skills Degas used in painting her performance in the circus made this piece of art important, widely appreciated but, at the same time, controversial.

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Edgar Degas | Violinist and Young Woman, 1872

Music was a significant cultural component in nineteenth-century Parisian society.
The informal clothes and the warm sunlight suggest that this is a rehearsal.
The artist captures a moment when the musicians are interrupted and the woman turns as if searching for the source of the disturbance.
The artist differentiates the sitters' characters very succinctly.
The loosely drawn and frothily painted woman conveys the impression of surprise and slight apprehension, while the more solidly drawn man is oblivious, immersed in the tuning of his instrument. | Source: © Detroit Institute of Arts

Edgar Degas | Violinist and Young Woman, 1872 | Detroit Institute of Arts