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Claude Monet | Apples and Grapes, 1879-1880

This is one of three tabletop still lifes depicting a basket of apples and grapes that Monet painted in 1879-80, when a spell of bad weather forced him to retreat indoors.
In late November 1879, his future stepdaughter Marthe Hoschedé took note of a "painting of fruits" in progress, when she recorded that Monet was "working hard at his still lifes which are very pretty". | Source: © The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Claude Monet | Apples and Grapes, 1879-80 | Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Edward Hopper | Room in New York, 1932

Sheldon Museum of Art | Edward Hopper observed the everyday lives of city dwellers in much of his work.
In the important canvases painted between 1926 and 1932, he made use of single figures and couples to create a sense of thoughtful reticence and solitude.
Eschewing the picturesque and the literal, Hopper’s pictures remain unexplained, without narrative, instead invoking a hermetically sealed world of emotion.
In 1935 the artist remarked that the idea for Room in New York "was suggested by glimpses of lighted interiors seen as I walked along the city streets at night".

Edward Hopper | Room in New York, 1932 | Sheldon Museum of Art

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Maria Jose Aguilar Gutierrez, 1964

Maria José Aguilar è nata nella città di Siviglia, nel quartiere centrale di San Lorenzo.
Ha trascorso la sua infanzia e la prima adolescenza tra la sua città natale, la baia di Cadice e le montagne di Jaén.
Fin dall'inizio ha mostrato inclinazioni artistiche e doti alimentate da un ambiente appropriato.
È cresciuta con la passione per i grandi maestri spagnoli, in particolare Velázquez, Murillo, Zurbarán e Valdés Leal, ecc.

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Andrew Sterrett Conklin, 1961

Nativo di Chicago, Illinois Andrew Sterrett Conklin è un pittore figurativo.
Ha conseguito un BFA dalla American Academy of Art, ed è stato certificato in pittura presso la Scuola Nazionale Academy di New York City.
Conklin ha ricevuto ulteriori istruzioni dal ritrattista Aaron Shikler e dal pittore ed illustratore David Levine.

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Jeanette Guichard-Bunel (French painter, 1957)

Jeannette Guichard-Bunel was born in Cherbourg. She wants to take her spectators on a dream like journey through her paintings.
She wants to give supremacy to reasoning so that the spectator can analyze and go beyond appearances.
She likes to establish an extra-verbal and extra sensorial communication with her public and erase the barriers of rationalism.
Her characters try to catch the spectator's eye and attract him to a world where time stands still and has boundless space. Through colors, the spectator can go cross the boundary between reality and dream along with some poetry.

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Joaquin Sorolla | Siesta in the Garden, 1904

While his beautiful young daughters Maria and Elena dozed in the warm afternoon sun, Joaquín Sorolla captured this sparkling glimpse of the garden and sea coast that his family enjoyed during his summer painting campaign of 1904.
Already well known and internationally acclaimed for his pictures of the fishing folk of his native Valencia, Sorolla was determined during the early years of the new century to expand his subject matter and to broaden the audience for his light-filled paintings.

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Albert Bloch (1882-1961)

Albert Bloch è nato a St. Louis, nel Missouri. Ha studiato prima arte alla St. Louis School of Fine Arts.
Nel 1901-03 ha prodotto fumetti e cartoni animati per il quotidiano St. Louis Star.
Tra il 1905-1908 lavorò come caricaturista ed illustratore per il settimanale letterario e politico The Mirror di William Marion Reedy.