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Claude Gaveau, 1940 | Pittore Astratto

Claude Gaveau è nato a Neuilly - sur - Seine. Per cinque anni ha frequentato l'Ecole des Arts Appliques a Parigi, dove ha imparato le discipline del murale ed affresco, arazzo progettazione e realizzazione vetrate.
Poi studiò per sei anni presso l'Ecole Superieure des Beaux- Arts di Parigi, diventando altrettanto abile nella pittura ad olio, acquerello, disegno e litografia.
Durante il suo corso di studi ha vinto il primo premio assegnato dalla Accademia di Anversa.
Una borsa di studio per studiare pittura fiamminga lo ha portato in Belgio per quattro mesi e ha portato al suo primo one-man show, che si è tenuta a Bruxelles nel 1965.

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Delphin Enjolras | Pittore accademico

Delphin Enjolras (1857–1945) è stato un pittore accademico Francese. Enjolras dipinse ritratti, figure, interni e utilizzò principalmente acquerelli, olio e pastelli.
È noto soprattutto per i suoi ritratti intimi di giovani donne che svolgono attività banali come leggere o cucire, spesso illuminate dalla luce della lampada. Forse la sua opera più famosa è la "Giovane donna che legge da una finestra".
Nacque a Coucouron, Ardèche, figlio di Casimir Enjolras e Delphine Laurens.
Enjolras ha studiato con l'acquarellista Gaston Gérard all'"Ecole de Dessin de la Ville de Paris", così come Jean-Léon Gérôme al Beaux-Arts e Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret.

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John Lloyd Strevens (1902-1990)

John Lloyd Strevens was born in London. Although Strevens completed prints, watercolours and drawings, he was mainly a painter in oil with a rich palette, rather in the manner of John Singer Sargent and Philip Wilson Steer.
Strevens painted formal portraits but was especially noted for his pictures of women, flowers and interiors.
His work was exhibited at the Royal Academy in London, and the Paris Salon, where he gained an Honourable Mention.

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Jeffrey Richter | Visionary Illustrator

While I have been interested in art for as long as I can remember, I did not have a chance to begin developing my talent until my third year of high school.  It was in this class that I gained experience with drawing and painting mediums.
I began attending East Central College in Union, MO, in the fall of 1999. While there I was able to expand my skills through a wide variety of classes, including drawing, painting, printmaking, figure drawing, design, and business of art.
I worked for the college newspaper The Cornerstone, as the graphic arts editor, drawing all the covers of the paper and illustrating cartoons and pictures for headlines. Since leaving college I have had an assortment of different opportunities to use my ability.

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Salvatore Fiume | L'Abbraccio, 1970

Nato a Comiso in Sicilia il 23 ottobre 1915, Salvatore Fiume fu pittore, scultore, architetto, scrittore e scenografo.
A sedici anni vinse una borsa di studio per il Regio Istituto per l’Illustrazione del Libro di Urbino dove acquisì una profonda conoscenza delle tecniche della stampa: litografia, serigrafia, acquaforte e xilografia.
Nel 1936, terminati gli studi, si recò a Milano dove conobbe artisti ed intellettuali fra cui Dino Buzzati e Salvatore Quasimodo (Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1959) con i quali strinse amicizia.

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Vincenzo Irolli | La treccia recisa, 1920

Stilisticamente vicino a lavori licenziati da Vincenzo Irolli intorno alla prima metà degli anni venti quali Rose di maggio, In villeggiatura o Il bandolo, La treccia recisa appartiene ad un piccolo nucleo di dipinti dedicati dal pittore napoletano a soggetti di ispirazione giapponese.

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Charles Louis La Salle, 1938

Charles-Louis La Salle was born in Hanoi. He spent his childhood in Indochina and adolescence in Africa. He studied at the School of Decorative Arts - Arts Déco- in Paris where he arrived at the age of 18. Thereafter, he traveled throughout all of Europe seeking the sources of his inspiration and cultural identity. He settled in Provence in 1966.
From this point onward, he devoted himself solely to his vocation as a painter. Influences on his career have included the statuary of medieval Burgundy, the Flemish primitives as well as the giants of the Italian Renaissance.
Both painter and sculptor, he is also an accomplished draughtsman, engraver and has experimented quite successfully in the field of lithography.
The flamboyant Baroque side to his temperment has also led him to venture into the possibilities offered by the theater and opera. He has personally directed operas, designed sets and costumes, written several plays, many poems and composed the lyrics to songs.