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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | L'allée Couverte, 1872

Like the painters of the previous generation in Barbizon, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Claude Monet also visited the forest of Fontainebleau.
In this view of a forest path, which actually shows a painter at work, Renoir seems to follow the models of his predecessors.
However, the dissolution of form is a characteristic of Impressionism.
Images of forest paths and wooded thickets had already played an important role in the painting of the Barbizon School.

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Claude Monet | Coucher de soleil à Pourville, pleine mer, 1882

The brilliant sunset over the Channel as seen from Pourville inspired this radically modern composition of 1882.
Monet has captured the moment when the sun has just fallen below the horizon and the sky is diffused with hazy tones of pink and purple that reflect off the surface of the sea.
The sight must have been irresistible for this painter of light, and the resulting composition evidences Monet's mastery of this genre.

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Madame Renoir au Chapeau, 1883

Aline Victorine Charigot (1859-1915) was a model for Auguste Renoir and later became his wife while continuing to model for him and then caring for him when he became disabled.
She is pictured in many of his paintings over very many years, most famously in the early 1880s Luncheon of the Boating Party (where she is the woman on the left with the little dog), and Blonde Bather.
They had three children together, two of whom, Pierre and Jean, went on to have distinguished careers in film, and the third, Claude, became a ceramic artist.
Pierre had a son Claude who became the well-known cinematographer.
She predeceased her elderly husband.

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Odile de Schwilgué, 1952 | Strasbourgo

Odile de Schwilgué è nata in Alsazia, trascorrendo i primi sedici anni della sua vita in una piccola città vicino a Strasburgo.
Su insistenza del suo insegnante d'arte, e nonostante la sua giovane età, ha sostenuto un esame di ammissione alle "Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg", ed è stata una dei primi dieci partecipanti.
Durante cinque anni di formazione, e grazie agli insegnamenti di artisti alsaziani, afferma il suo talento e la sua personalità di pittrice. Diploma alla mano, partì per Parigi.
Lì entra a far parte di un gruppo di pittori "Figurations critiques" che espone regolarmente al Grand Palais.

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Edson Campos (Brazilian painter, 1955)

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Campos has enjoyed sketching and painting since childhood. He is a completely self-taught artist. He moved to the United States in 1978 where he quickly established himself as an artist of the highest caliber.
He has exhibited his lifelike, passionate paintings and drawings in major cities throughout the country, winning several awards.
Not surprisingly, Campos' sophisticated artwork also has great popular appeal: it has been commissioned to be exhibited in all 500 rooms of the Queen Mary Hotel in Long Beach, California. Recently, Campos participated in the Art Expo New York, where his work was highly praised by critics. The November 1999 issue of The Artist's Magazine featured his work in a special section on painting techniques.

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Hasan Saygin, 1958

Hasan Saygin è nato a Karamanli, Turchia.
Dopo aver completato gli studi all'Ecole des Beaux Arts di Istanbul, è arrivato in Francia nel 1982 e da allora si è dedicato alla pittura.
Ha presentato le sue opere al Salon Automne di Parigi, Artistes Français, Comparisons -Fall, French Artists, Comparisons.
Ha ricevuto inoltre numerosi premi e medaglie - Deauville nell'89 - Premio Jacques Catinat a Chatou - Medaglia della Città di Parigi nel 1990 - Premio del Consiglio Generale degli Yvelines nel 1991 - Forme e colori 91 a Washington.

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Anita Kreituse, 1954 | Riga, Latvia

Anita Kreituse è nata a Riga, Lettonia. Anita Kreituse si è diplomata nel 1972 J. Rozentals Art School di Riga e ha ammesso l'Accademia delle arti lettone nel stesso anno.
Già dal 1973 partecipa a mostre d'arte.
Dopo Diploma Accademia 1980 inizia a lavorare come art director presso la "Zilite" magazine, dove è attiva fino al 1997.
Anita è membro del Latvian Unione Artisti dal 1992 e ha partecipato a numerose e importanti manifestazioni artistiche mostre nel paese.