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Hamish Blakely | Pittore di figure

Hamish Blakely dipinge scene figurative. Il suo processo creativo prevede la stratificazione di pigmenti pesanti di vernice per ottenere una superficie spessa.
Spinto dalla ammirazione per la figura umana (soprattutto quella femminile), le opere di Blakely esprimono sensualità e bellezza attraverso l'accuratezza dei dettagli e la ricchezza dei colori.
Nato nella bellissima città medievale di Canterbury (Cantuaria), Hamish Blakely ha studiato alla Wimbledon School of Art e la Kingston University.

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Rafal Olbinski, 1945

Rafal Olbinski born in Kielce, Poland and immigrated to the United States in 1981, where he soon established himself as a prominent painter, illustrator and designer.
For his artistic achievements, he has received more than 150 awards including Gold and Silver Medals from the Art Directors Club of New York, Gold and Silver Medals from the Society of Illustrators in New York and Los Angeles, and The Big Crit 2000 award by Critique Magazine in San Francisco.
In 1994 he was awarded the International Oscar for The World’s Most Memorable Poster, Prix Savignac in Paris.
The President of the Republic of Poland awarded Olbinski the highest award in the field of arts, the gold medal, “Gloria Artist”.

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Meruzhan Khachatryan, 1980

Meruzhan Khachatryan è nato a Yerevan, in una famiglia di artisti.
Nel 2001 si è diplomato al Dipartimento di Pittura, Scuola. P. Terlemeziano.
Ha partecipato attivamente a numerose mostre, individuali e congiunti, avviando così il loro percorso produttivo.

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Karl Bang, 1935

Karl Bang è nato come Bong Ka a Shanghai.
È stato formalmente addestrato dal maestri artisti della pittura cinese e si è anche formato formalmente nel Tradizione pittorica europea in Francia e Belgio.
Questi molteplici stili hanno guidato alla fusione multiculturale di Karl Bang dell'arte tradizionale cinese disciplina con lo stile europeo più personalmente espressivo, e successivamente comprendeva anche tradizioni provenienti da tutto il mondo.

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Il realismo fantastico di Maki Horanai

Maki Horanai è una pittrice che lavora sia su tela che su legno, oltre che su ceramica e tecniche miste (carboncino, pastelli e penna).
Maki Horanai è nata in Giappone ed attualmente vive nel sud-est del Queensland, in Australia.
È cresciuta in piccoli villaggi costieri nell'Hokkaido, nel nord del Giappone, dove spesso sedeva o giocava lungo la spiaggia.
Le prime influenze di Maki furono l'oceano, la riva, gli uccelli e le isole che vedeva sia nella realtà che nella sua immaginazione.

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Eduard Zentšik (Estonia, 1975)

Eduard Zentšik is a contemporary Estonian genre-busting artist.
In his creative work, he has managed to unite localness with globality, to shatter one’s hope for the result awaited from the artist, to put up a serious façade with ease whilst playing an ironical game with unknown rules and to deceive the spectator in such a way that nobody has noted that.
It is only at first perusal that his self-positioning as “Unknown Artist Zentšik" is an offer for the spectator to believe into the primacy of the art object over the art source.

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Tetsuya Ishida / 石田 徹也 (Japanese, 1973-2005)

Tetsuya Ishida was a Japanese painter, best known for his surreal portrayal of contemporary Japanese life. He died from a possible suicide in 2005 where he was struck by a train at a level crossing.
He was born in Yaizu, Shizuoka, as the youngest of four sons. His father was a member of parliament and his mother, a housewife.
He attended Yaizu Central High School until his graduation in 1992. Ishida stated in interviews that it was during this period that his parents, and his principal, applied pressure on him to thrive academically well enough to develop a teaching or chemist career.
This experience later appeared in some of his paintings that explore the society's expectations of youths. Ishida entered Musashino Art University where he majored in Visual Communication Design until his graduation in 1996.
Ishida's parents, unhappy about his career choice, refused to provide financial support during his university period, which Ishida recalled with amusement for his rare interviews.