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Pyotr Konchalovsky | The Jack of Diamonds Art Group

Петр Кончаловский (1876-1956), a Russian painter, was born in the village of Slavyanka not far from Kharkov.
His father was a well-known literary man and publisher and had a great influence on his son.
When Pyotr was seven years old, his father was arrested for revolutionary activities.
The Konchalovskies’ estate was confiscated and the family was forced to move.

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Isabelle Sauvineau, 1965

Isabelle Sauvineau ha studiato infermieristica durante il periodo trascorso presso Cegep a Granby.
Lei più tardi ha iniziato a lavorare nel settore della moda dove è rimasta per 5 anni.
Dopo dalla nascita dei suoi due figli emerse la passione di Sauvineau per la pittura.
Con entusiasmo e fiducia che si è lanciata in una nuova carriera percorso, nelle arti visive.

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Renoir: "Art is about emotion; if art needs to be explained it is no longer art"

"An artist, under pain of oblivion, must have confidence in himself, and listen only to his real master: Nature".
"Art is about emotion; if art needs to be explained it is no longer art".

"Be a good craftsman; it won't stop you being a genius".
"Go and see what others have produced, but never copy anything except nature. You would be trying to enter into a temperament that is not yours and nothing that you would do would have any character".

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René Magritte | Le poison, 1939

From: Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam
Le poison was the first in a series of works known as L’empire des lumières (The Empire of Lights).
The gouache shows silhouettes of houses with lighted windows.
The moon shines and the stars twinkle on the walls of the houses, but at the same time the sky is as light as during the day.
The simultaneous rendering of day and night, with a light blue sky and dark façades visible because of artificial light, would inspire the artist for a long time.
René Magritte (1898-1967) made variations on this theme in no fewer than seventeen oil paintings and ten gouaches over a period of more than ten years (from the late 1940s to the early 1960s).

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Valentin De Boulogne | Pittore barocco

Nato nell'Ile de France a Coulommiers e proveniente da una famiglia di artisti italiani, dopo l'apprendistato in Francia, Valentin De Boulogne (1591-1632) si trasferisce nel 1613 a Roma dove è attratto dalla pittura di stampo caravaggesco, allora dominante.
Nel suo "Le vite de' pittori, scultori et architetti...", Giovanni Baglione scrive: "Non si deve passar con silenzio la memoria di Valentino Francese, il quale andaua imitando lo stile di Michelagnolo da Caravaggio, dal naturale ritrahendo. Faceua quest'huomo le sue pitture con buona maniera, e ben colorite a olio, e tocche con fierezza: e i colori a oglio ben' impastava".

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Jean-Pierre Gibrat, 1954

Nato a Parigi, Jean-Pierre Gibrat è un fumettista e sceneggiatore Francese. I suoi primi racconti completi furono pubblicati sulla rivista francese Pilote.
Con Jackie Berroyer, nel 1978 affronta Le petit Goudard, serie che prosegue lo stesso anno in Charlie Mensuel, poi in Fluide Glacial nel 1980.
Durante questo periodo, alcune delle sue opere vengono pubblicate anche sulla stampa: l' Evénement du jeudi, le Nouvel Obs, Sciences et Avenir e ha anche prodotto lavori per Okapi e Je bouquine.
Alla fine del 1982, ha disegnato La Parisienne in Pilote, sempre su una sceneggiatura di Berroyer.

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Georg Pauli | Winter Evening at Söder, Stockholm, 1889

"Winter Evening at Söder, Stockholm" was created in 1889 by Georg Pauli (Swedish, 1855-1935) in Impressionism style.

From: National Museum, Stockholm
Georg Pauli - Artist and author. During his stays in France and Italy in the 1870s and 1880s, Pauli was impressed by French outdoor painting and the Italian Renaissance.
Early on, however, he approached a symbolic synthesis, e.g. in Legend (1890), which two decades later was replaced by a Cubist decorative style.
Pauli made his greatest contribution as an artist in monumental painting, e.g. the frescoes in the Gothenburg Museum (1895-96) and Jönköping University (1912-13).