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Hugh Goldwin Rivière | The garden of Eden, 1901

Hugh Goldwin Rivière (British painter, 1869-1956) first exhibited The Garden of Eden at the Royal Academy in 1901.

Born in Bromley in Kent, Rivière was the son of Royal Academy member, Briton Rivière. H.G. Rivière’s paintings fall into two main subject categories: historical or legendary, and contemporary scenes of everyday life and portraits.
Best known as a portrait artist, the scene of Victorian sentimentality is somewhat unique although a watercolour replica does exist and is held in a private collection.

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Jeffrey Batchelor (American painter, 1960)

Jeffrey Batchelor was born in North Carolina and studied at University of North Carolina at Greensboro, deferring in 1987 to pursue a career in theatrical scene painting.
Conceptually, his work ranges from straight realism to surrealism, and from rectangular canvases to shaped canvas panels.

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Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)

Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer, one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century.
He is widely known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the inventionof constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore.
Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" 1907, and "Guernica" 1937, a portrayal of the german bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.

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Ben Goossens | Surrealist photographer, 1945

Goossens worked for 35 years in his native Belgium as an ad agency art director. After retiring, Goossen's turned to creating photo montages with a distinctive Surrealism style reminiscent of his fellow countryman, René Magritte.
Goossens' images have received awards in a number of prestigious international photography competitions including Gold and Silver medals at the Trierenberg Super Circuit, the world's largest annual photography salon.
Goossens has also seen his work widely published, including an in-depth 10 page exposition in the March 2007 edition of Photo Art International. His composite photos are remarkable for their seamless yet painterly renderings of Surrealism dreamscapes.

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Michael Bergt (American painter, 1956)

Michael Bergt was born in a small Nebraska farming community. At the age of five, he decided he wanted to be an artist. When he was eight years old, his family moved to Denver.
At nineteen, Michael became friends with a group of artists, Beat poets and late-night coffee drinkers in lower downtown Denver. Dividing his time between college, odd jobs and painting, his fellow artists encouraged him to "just paint".
In 1978, Michael spent time in San Francisco, where he painted and eventually met the art dealer John Pence who gave him his first major one-man show in 1980.
Bergt began a correspondence with Paul Cadmus 1904-1999 in 1988. With the support of his mentor, Bergt exhibited with Cadmus at the Midtown Gallery in New York City.

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Hau Edward Petrovich (1807-1887)

Hau Edward Petrovich è nato a Revel, oggi Tallinn.
Impegnato nella pittura fin dall'infanzia, negli anni 1830-1832 ha studiato pittura presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Dresda.
Nel 1838 (o 1836), l'Accademia Imperiale delle Belle Arti di San Pietroburgo lo ha onorato con una medaglia d'argento.
Nel 1854 (o 1864), ad Eduard Petrovic è stato seghato il titolo di accademico della pittura ad acquerello.

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Stuart Davis (1894-1964)

Nato a Filadelfia, Stuart Davis è stato uno dei primi pittori modernisti Americani.
Lasciata la scuola superiore, nel 1910 frequenta la Scuola d’arte di Robert Henri a New York ed espone per la prima volta alla “Exhibition of Independent Artists”.
Terminati gli studi, nel 1913 inizia a collaborare con la rivista socialista “The Masses” ed espone alcuni acquerelli all’Armory Show.
Nel 1917 tiene la sua prima personale alla Sheridan Square Gallery di New York.