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Virginia Palomeque (Argentine painter, 1961)

Virginia Palomeque è nata a Buenos Aires. Dipinge e disegna sin da giovanissima, frequentando vari laboratori e scuole d'arte. Successivamente, ha ottenuto un posto presso il prestigioso Manuel Belgrano National College of Fine Arts da cui si è laureata nel 1989.
Il suo lavoro è stato influenzato dall'Espressionismo e dal Realismo, ma è l'impronta della sua personalità a renderlo straordinario.
L'intensità della sua pittura e la singolarità dei suoi temi, sviluppati attraverso l'uso audace del colore nella sua espressione più pura, catturano l'immaginazione e affascinano gli spettatori in tutti i suoi spettacoli.
Espone le sue opere dal 1990, ha partecipato a numerose mostre d'arte nazionali, provinciali e comunali e ha ricevuto numerosi premi e riconoscimenti.

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Albena Vatcheva, 1967

Albena Vatcheva è un artista Francese di origine bulgara che avanza in modo spettacolare.
La sua pittura ha ereditato diverse tradizioni, compresa quella dei maestri dell'icona.
Utilizzando diverse fonti orientali, ha creato un mondo di fata inquietante, che è un vero fascino per gli occhi, poiché i suoi colori luminosi creano magia. Teneri, amorevoli, i suoi personaggi vivono in un mondo di pace, armonia e reciproca consolazione.

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Richard MacDonald (American sculptor, 1946)

Richard MacDonald is a California-based contemporary figurative artist known for his bronze sculptures and his association with Cirque Du Soleil. Richard MacDonald was educated at the prestigious Art Center College of Design and received a Bachelor of Professional Arts, Cum Laude.
In the 30 years of his artistic career, Richard MacDonald has achieved international distinction for his sculpture, paintings and drawings, and has been the recipient of many national and international awards.
He has also held numerous one-man shows and exhibitions throughout the United States, Europe and the Orient.
His fascination with the human figure and human emotions has led MacDonald to focus on sculpting figures of mimes, dancers and athletes, each of which conveys a sense of joy and pays tribute to the beauty of the human form.

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Russ Mills, 1971

Russ Mills - Byroglyphics - was born in Exeter, Devon - UK. Graduated from Leeds Met University in 1995 after completing a BA in Graphic Art and Design, specializing in Experimental Film and Animation.
After finding gainful employment in various non-creative institutions went back to basics and began work with pen, pencil and computer.
Has spent almost 20 years crafting skills, absorbing influences from every facet of visual culture and archiving found objects and ephemera to substantiate his work.

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Manuel Nuñez, 1956

L'artista Spagnolo Manuel Nuñez ha iniziato la sua carriera artistica dopo aver lasciato l'Art Center College of Design nel 1979.
Ha iniziato a lavorare principalmente come illustratore realizzando poster di film, copertine di album e lavori editoriali.
Successivamente si è concentrato sulle illustrazioni di moda, lavorando per aziende come May Company, Lord and Taylor, Robinsons, Nordtroms e Woodward e Lohrop.

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Albert Bierstadt | Luminist painter

Albert Bierstadt (1830-1902) was a German-American painter best known for his lavish, sweeping landscapes of the American West.
He joined several journeys of the Westward Expansion to paint the scenes.
He was not the first artist to record the sites, but he was the foremost painter of them for the remainder of the 19th century.

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Mariana Palova, 1990

Mariana Palova finds within the positive a living and colorful metamorphosis- the essence of her own cosmogony. Playing with the influence of her experiences and her transformations, Mariana surrounds herself with an aura showing special devotion to the nature elements, analogies, the substitution, human monsters and the astrologic environment.
Despite her young age and relative inexperience, her work has slipped quickly into important art/social circles. Equally rejected and loved, Mariana's sensitive artwork, evokes overflowing passion and a philosophy of life based on the beauty of human metamorphosis and the allure of imagination, eschewing all that is sick and grotesque in the world.