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Johan Niclas Bystrom | Junon allaitant Hercule

Johan Niclas Byström (1783-1848) was a Swedish sculptor. Byström was born at Filipstad and went to Stockholm the age of twenty, studying there for three years under Johan Tobias Sergel.
In 1809 he gained the prize of the Royal Academy of Arts, and in the following year visited Rome.
He sent home a beautiful work, "The Reclining Bacchante", in half life size, which raised him at once to the first rank among Swedish sculptors.
On his return to Stockholm in 1816 he presented the crown prince (the later king Charles XIV) with a colossal statue of himself, and was entrusted with several important works.

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Cecelia Webber, 1984 | Flowers from human bodies

Artist and photographer Cecelia Webber was born in New Hampshire and received a BFA from University of Southern California in 2008.She was a shy, socially awkward child who enjoyed reading and spent hours searching for small fairy creatures in abandoned maple sugar huts and dilapidated stonewalls. Oddly enough, as she grew older the world grew stranger and stranger.
Questions revolved about in her head, knocking down reality’s framework with the force of bowling balls: Why are we made to feel so ashamed of the human body in Western culture and so much of the rest of the world? Isn’t the body a beautiful, wonderful thing, deserving nothing less than to be celebrated?

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Sergey Shaposhnikov | Fotografo digitale

Sergey Shaposhnikov / Сергей Шапошников è un fotografo professionista digitale della città di San Pietroburgo, Russia.

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Pedro Sanz Gonzalez | Spain

Pedro Sanz Gonzalez: "La mia dipendenza dalla pittura con i media tradizionali sia iniziata intorno al 1998.
È stata una strada irregolare con momenti intensi e belle sorprese.
La maggior parte delle volte è stata una lotta tra la gioia e il piacere della pittura e come integrare questo nella mia altra vita (più pratica).
Ho esposto in gallerie d'arte a Madrid in via Claudio Coello e ho goduto di diversi anni di eccitazione quando venivo pagato più grazie ai dipinti che con il mio lavoro di ingegnere in quel momento.

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Zhaoming Wu, 1955

Nato e cresciuto a Guangzhou, in Cina, Zhaoming Wu / 吴兆铭 si è laureato all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Guangzhou in Cina, dove ha conseguito un BFA in pittura e ha conseguito il Master in pittura presso la Academy of Art University di San Francisco, in California.
Attivo da tempo sia come artista che come insegnante, Zhaoming è un pittore di grande successo e le sue opere sono appese in musei e collezioni private di tutto il mondo.

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Paul Cézanne (1839-1906)

Paul Cézanne was a french artist and Post-Impressionist painter whose work laid the foundations of the transition from the 19th century conception of artistic endeavour to a new and radically different world of art in the 20th century.
Cézanne can be said to form the bridge between late 19th century Impressionism and the early 20th century's new line of artistic enquiry, Cubism.
The line attributed to both Matisse and Picasso that Cézanne "is the father of us all" cannot be easily dismissed.

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Zhao Chun, 1970

Zhao Chun / 赵春 è un pittore Cinese le cui ultime opere hanno trattato la donna Miao.
Partendo da una rappresentazione realistica e barocca delle donne Miao, tutte impeccabilmente abbigliate con i loro abiti tradizionali più elaborati ed i loro ornamenti per la testa più seducenti, Zhao Chun ha liberato i suoi personaggi nell'universo.