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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Women Artists. Mostra tutti i post
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Constance Marie Charpentier | Melancholy, 1801

Constance Marie Charpentier (1767-1849) was a French painter.
She specialized in genre scenes and portraits, mainly of children and women.
She was also known as Constance Marie Bondelu.

Constance-Marie Charpentier | Melancholy, 1801 | Musée de Picardie, Amiens

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Anthonore Christensen | Flowers painter

Anthonie Eleonore Christensen (1849-1926), generally known as Anthonore Christensen, née Tscherning was a Danish flower painter.
She exhibited from 1867 at Charlottenborg, winning the medal of the year in 1893.
As a painting teacher, her students included Queen Louise and Queen Olga of Greece.

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Hafsa Idrees, 1992 | Finger painter

Hafsa Idrees is an Pakistani painter and writer born in Islamabad.
- "Art has always been close to my heart and even though I have not received a formal education in any particular genre, drawing/painting is an important part of my life. Since school, I have been experimenting with and enjoying different styles, media and techniques".
"I started with Arabic calligraphy at the age of 10 but I soon realized that I enjoyed painting and drawing too. My subjects then were things and people from my immediate surroundings but with time I started to explore different kinds of paints, pencils, materials and subjects".

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A Love Letter from Balzac to Countess Ewelina Hańska

My beloved angel,

"I am nearly mad about you, as much as one can be mad: I cannot bring together two ideas that you do not interpose yourself between them.
I can no longer think of nothing but you. In spite of myself, my imagination carries me to you. I grasp you, I kiss you, I caress you, a thousand of the most amorous caresses take possession of me. As for my heart, there you will always be - very much so. I have a delicious sense of you there.
But my God, what is to become of me, if you have deprived me of my reason?
This is a monomania which, this morning, terrifies me. I rise up every moment say to myself, ‘Come, I am going there!’ Then I sit down again, moved by the sense of my obligations.

Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller | Portrait of Madame Ewelina Hańska, 1835

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Ellen Montalba | Dreams

Ellen Emeline Montalba (1842-1912) was a British artist. She was born in Bath, England, one of four daughters of the Swedish-born artist Anthony Rubens Montalba and Emeline.
She and her three sisters all attained high repute as artists.
The 1871 British census shows Anthony Montalba living at 19 Arundel Gardens, Notting Hill, in London, with four daughters, all artists.
The Montalba sisters were regular contributors to the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition during the 1870s.

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Wisława Szymborska | Domande poste a me stessa / The questions you ask yourself

Qual è il contenuto del sorriso
e d’una stretta di mano?
Nel dare il benvenuto
non sei mai lontana
come a volte è lontano
l’uomo dall’uomo
quando dà un giudizio ostile
a prima vista?

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Beryl Cook | Naïve painter

Beryl Cook, OBE (1926-2008) was a British artist best known for her original and instantly recognisable paintings.
Often comical, her works pictured people whom she encountered in everyday life, including people enjoying themselves in pubs, girls shopping or out on a hen night, drag queen shows or a family picnicking by the seaside or abroad.

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Gabriele D’Annunzio ad Eleonora Duse: Rimani!

Rimani! Riposati accanto a me.
Non andare.
Io ti veglierò.
Io ti proteggerò.

Eleonora Duse e Gabriele D’Annunzio

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Anne Hoenig | Figurative painter

Anne Hoenig is a figurative painter from CA.
She shows mainly in Berlin.
Her method leans on renaissance oil technique, depicting intense, intimate moments.
The paintings of Anne Hoenig are defined by nuances and a specific semi-darkness.

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Wisława Szymborska | Elogio dei sogni / In Praise of Dreams

In sogno
dipingo come Vermeer.
Parlo correntemente il greco
e non solo con vivi.

Guido l’automobile,
che mi obbedisce.

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Krystyna Róż-Pasek, 1981

Krystyna Róż-Pasek was born in Gorlice.
She raduate of the Fine Arts High School in Tarnów - weaving profile.
In the years 2004-2009 she studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.
She currently lives and develops her work in Krakow.

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Soon Warren | Watercolor painter

Soon Young Warren is a highly awarded artist, teacher and workshop instructor nationally and internationally.
She was born in South Korea and immigrated to the United States in 1987.
A full time artist, Soon has an associate degree in commercial art from Thomas Nelson Community College in Hampton, Virginia, and is a signature member of the National Watercolor Society, American Watercolor Society, Southern Watercolor Society, Texas Watercolor Society and Society of Watercolor Artists.

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Marguerite Godin (1867-1936)

Marguerite Godin was a French artist who studied under Gustave Boulanger, Léon Bonnat and Jules Lefebvre.
Marguerite Godin exhibited at the Salon of French Artists from 1887-1912.
She received a bronze medal and the Marie Bashkirtseff Prize in 1889 and was a member of the Académie Julian in 1890.

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Katrina Pallon | Art Nouveau style painter

Katrina Pallon is a visual artist whose strong imagery and conceptual vocabulary inform her distinctive paintings and drawings that utilise a variety of mediums.
She has actively exhibited under private art galleries and public group exhibitions in Manila, New York, Singapore, and Japan.
She also works as an illustrator and muralist.

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Alda Merini: "Tra le tue braccia"

C'è un posto nel mondo
dove il cuore batte forte,
dove rimani senza fiato,
per quanta emozione provi,
dove il tempo si ferma
e non hai più l'età;

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Emily Dickinson: Ci sarà davvero un "mattino"?

Ci sarà davvero un "mattino"?
C'è una cosa come il "Giorno"?
Potrei vederlo dai monti
Se fossi alta come loro?

Jon Boe Paulsen | The Blue Hour

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Emily Dickinson: "La notte è il mio giorno preferito"..

"Questa notte vorrei che la mia guancia si consumasse nella tua mano.
Accetterai lo spreco?
La Notte è il mio Giorno preferito…"

L'amore segreto di Emily

Dopo la morte di suo padre, la poetessa Emily Dickinson ha fatto qualcosa di impensabile nella sua vita: iniziò a corteggiare il migliore amico di suo padre.

Carl Schweninger | Couple in Moonshine

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Ksenya Istomina, 1991

Ksenya Istomina / Ксения Истомина, born in Leningrad, Russia, embarked on her artistic journey at the Art School named after Sviridov.
Following this, she pursued her studies at the St. Petersburg Art College named after Roerich, specializing in the restoration department.
Ultimately, she graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin, focusing on painting within the studio of Yuri Kalyuta.

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Lucy Grossmith, 1972

Lucy Grossmith (Case) was born at Horncastle, Lincolnshire.
Always surrounded and inspired by nature, she sketches and makes mental notes whilst out and about.
These become ingredients for her work when back in her studio at the bottom of her garden.
She loves to paint wild birds and animals, countryside and coastal scenery along with gardens and old buildings.

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Andrea Otte: "I Hope You Still Believe In Magic.."

"I am Andrea Otte a freelance photographer situated in Antwerp, Belgium, a dreamer and the creator of my own little world.
Just a little lady on a tiny planet, a positive thinker, a seeker of beauty and magic in everything.
I believe life is all about passion and finding your own kind of magic.
My eye for all the beauty around me, big and small, has always been active, but only the last four years I have been trying to capture the wonders of the world, accompanied by my Nikon D5300".