Visualizzazione post con etichetta Women Artists. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Women Artists. Mostra tutti i post
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Sibilla Aleramo | La Rosa

Facci posto,
oh sole!
A noi due
e ad una rosa.
Fra il mio seno
e il petto forte che amo,
sta una rosa,

Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema | The Roses of Heliogabalus, 1888 (detail)

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Emily Dickinson | Morii per la Bellezza / I Died for Beauty, 1862

Morii per la bellezza, ma ero appena
composta nella tomba
che un altro, morto per la verità,
fu disteso nello spazio accanto.

Arthur Hughes (1832-1915) | Ophelia, 1865

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Donne nell'Arte | Mappa del sito

Sebbene le Artiste siano state coinvolte nella creazione artistica nel corso della storia, il loro lavoro, se confrontato con quello delle loro controparti maschili, è stato spesso offuscato, trascurato e sottovalutato.
L'assenza delle Donne dal canone dell'arte occidentale è stata oggetto di indagine e riconsiderazione sin dai primi anni '70.
L'influente saggio del 1971 di Linda Nochlin, "Perché non ci sono state grandi artiste?", ha esaminato le barriere sociali ed istituzionali che hanno impedito alla maggior parte delle donne di entrare nelle professioni artistiche nel corso della storia, ha spinto ad una nuova attenzione sulle artiste, sulla loro arte e sulle loro esperienze e ha contribuito ad ispirare il movimento artistico femminista.

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Jane DeDecker | The Women's Suffrage

By Jane DeDecker / The concept of this proposed women’s monument was inspired by a letter from Elizabeth Cady Stanton to Lucretia Mott in which she wrote about the power of words and deeds:

"Every word we utter, every act we perform, waft unto innumerable circles, beyond".

I wanted to capture the collective energy from all women who have made this happen, as well as acknowledge that we still need to keep moving as we strive for equality.
When a water droplet impacts a body of water it pushes waves outward and rebounds upward as a smaller droplet. This droplet, called the daughter droplet - gains height - then falls back to the water in what is called a coalescent cascade.
This describes the height, breadth, and lasting impact of the Suffragists’ work.

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Mitsuru Ichikawa, 1983 | Magic Realism painter

Mitsuru Ichikawa 市川光鶴 is a Japanese painter, born in Nagoya-shi, Aichi Prefecture.
She has been aspiring to be a painter since he was a child, and has been exhibiting mainly at group public exhibitions.
He completed the oil painting course at Musashino Art University Graduate School of Art and Design.
Currently is an associate member of the Independent Art Association.

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Anna Sahlsten | Genre painter

Anna Sofia Sahlstén (1859-1931) was a Finnish painter, primarily known for portraits and genre scenes.
Her father, Clas Vilhelm Sahlstén (1826-1897), was a Chamber Counselor who later became a writer.
Her mother was Edla Elisabeth Heinricius.
When she was eight, her family moved to Helsinki, where she attended a Swedish girls' school; receiving her certificate in 1877.
She then studied at the Finnish Society Drawing School from 1877 to 1880, then at a private school operated by Adolf von Becker, from 1880 to 1882.

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Bella, Chagall's Eternal Muse

"In our life there is a single color, as on an artist’s palette, which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the color of LOVE" - Marc Chagall

The love story between Bella Rosenfeld (1889-1944) and Marc Chagall (1887-1985) was a profound, almost mystical connection that began in 1909 in Saint Petersburg.
Bella, a 19-year-old from a wealthy Jewish family, crossed paths with Chagall, a 26-year-old aspiring artist still in art school.
Their love was instantaneous, a moment both would later describe as love at first sight.
Bella, who would go on to become a writer, was captivated by Chagall’s deep blue eyes, describing them as if they had “fallen straight from the sky” and floated independently.

Marc Chagall | Les Amoureux, 1928

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Mariangela Gualtieri | Se la parola amore è

Se la parola amore è
uno straccio lurido,
se non ho altra lingua per dire cosa
amo, se l’anima adesso è un ingombro
e il cielo un posto come un altro
se dormiamo e dormiamo

Alfred W. Elmore (1815-1881) | A Greek Ode | Christie's

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Olga & Aleksey Ivanov Illustration

Olga and Aleksey Ivanov are considered two of the top Egg Tempera Fine Artists in the country today.
Olga and Aleksey Ivanov are clearly a team built on ingenious creativity, mythology, technical precision, playful storytelling combined with a traditional execution proving masterpieces each time they offer a painting.
Olga and Aleksey Ivanov are considered two of the top Egg Tempera Fine Artists in the country today.
Their modern approach to an ancient art form shows reverence to the medium.

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Mariangela Gualtieri | Non sono capace, amore / I cannot, my love

Non sono capace, amore, di farti un canto.
Tu sei tutto di spine e di fuoco
e mi tieni lontana dal tuo cuore

pericoloso. Io non so bastarti alla gioia
e così poco così poco mi pare
t’incanto, sollevo quell’ombra scontrosa

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Anna Ancher | Sewing fisherman's wife, 1890

Sewing fisherman's wife is an oil on canvas painting created by Anna Ancher (Danish Skagen painter, 1859-1935) in 1890.
The painting is in the collection of the Randers Museum of Art in Denmark.
Anna Anchers is celebrated for her transgressive use of color and her fabulous ability to capture a ray of sunlight.
The fine work Sewing fisherman's wife is significant for the artist's work with sunlight in an interior.

Anna Ancher | Sewing fisherman's wife, 1890 | Randers Museum of Art in Denmark

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Helen Keller: "Tieni il viso rivolto al sole e non vedrai mai le ombre"

Helen Adams Keller (1880-1968) è stata una scrittrice ed accademica Americana, che, pur essendo sorda e cieca, si è fatta paladina della causa dei ciechi, dei sordi e dei muti in tutto il mondo.
Figlia di un direttore di giornale, Helen Keller contrasse la scarlattina all'età di diciannove mesi, che la lasciò cieca e sorda.
Quindi comunicò principalmente usando cartelli domestici fino all'età di sette anni, quando incontrò la sua prima insegnante Anne Sullivan (1866-1936), parzialmente cieca, avendo contratto il tracoma all'età di cinque anni ed ampiamente riconosciuta per i suoi successi nell'istruire ad alto livello una persona priva di vista, udito e linguaggio normale.
Sullivan, che si assunse l'oneroso e spesso frustrante compito di insegnare a Keller l'alfabeto manuale, tamburellando sul palmo della mano e come leggere le labbra appoggiando il pollice e l'indice sul viso di chi parlava, insegnò a Keller il linguaggio, inclusa la lettura e la scrittura.
Dopo un'istruzione sia presso scuole specialistiche che tradizionali, Keller frequentò il Radcliffe College dell'Università di Harvard e divenne la prima persona sordocieca negli Stati Uniti a conseguire una laurea in arti.

Helen Keller

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Jane Crowther, 1962

Originally from York (UK), Jane Crowther studied Illustration BA(Hons) at Kingston Polytechnic.
In the early 1990’s, whilst based in North London, Jane designed a small range of greeting cards to supplement her meagre income as an artist, initially selling them at craft fairs alongside her large multi-media paintings.
The cards started to sell really well and Jane made the commercial decision to concentrate on her card designs.

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Eva Melhuish | Scandinavian Christmas cards

Eva Melhuish is an illustrator who has been published across Europe, the USA and has worked on global projects with UNICEF.
With a Swedish mother and English father, Eva is bi-lingual and has travelled extensively.
Her work reflects this diverse background and she illustrates a wide range of subjects, from natural history and horses to gardening and educational books.
Eva grew up in Sweden and her Scandinavian roots are a key influence.

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Molly Brett | Writer / Children's book illustrator

Molly Brett (1902–1990) was an English illustrator and writer of children's literature, best known for her anthropomorphic artwork.
Molly (Mary Elizabeth) Brett grew up in the English county of Surrey, surrounded by animals and nature.
Her mother, Mary Gould Brett, was a respected animal painter who encouraged her daughter to paint from life, and this is reflected in Molly's gift for making her animals look thoroughly naturalistic while giving them human characteristics and activities.

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Emily Dickinson | L’erba ha così poche occupazioni / The Grass so little has to do

L’erba ha così poche occupazioni -
un mondo di semplice verde
con solo farfalle su cui meditare
e api da ospitare -
non ha da fare altro che cullarsi
tutto il giorno ai suoni melodiosi
che le brezze portano leggere -
e accogliere in grembo la luce -

Camille Pissarro | Gardeuse de vaches, Eragny | Christie's

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Wisława Szymborska / René Magritte | A Note / Una nota

Life is the only way
to get covered in leaves,
catch your breath on the sand,
rise on wings;
to be a dog,
or stroke its warm fur;

to tell pain
from everything it's not;

to squeeze inside events,
dawdle in views,
to seek the least of all possible mistakes.

An extraordinary chance
to remember for a moment
a conversation held
with the lamp switched off;

and if only once
to stumble upon a stone,
end up soaked in one downpour or another,

mislay your keys in the grass;
and to follow a spark on the wind with your eyes;
and to keep on not knowing
something important.

René Magritte | L'Utopie, 1945 | Cleveland Museum of Art

Wisława Szymborska | Una nota

La vita - è il solo modo
per coprirsi di foglie,
prendere fiato sulla sabbia,
sollevarsi sulle ali;

essere un cane,
o carezzarlo sul suo pelo caldo;
distinguere il dolore
da tutto ciò che dolore non è;

stare dentro gli eventi,
dileguarsi nelle vedute,
cercare il più piccolo errore.

Un’occasione eccezionale
per ricordare per un attimo
di che si è parlato
a luce spenta;

e almeno per una volta
inciampare in una pietra,
bagnarsi in qualche pioggia,
perdere le chiavi tra l’erba;

e seguire con gli occhi una scintilla
nel vento;

e persistere nel non sapere
qualcosa d’importante.

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Happy 194th Birthday, Emily Dickinson!

American poet Emily Dickinson (December 10, 1830 - May 15, 1886) was born 194 years ago, in 1830.
Little-known during her life, she has since been regarded as one of the most important figures in American poetry.
Despite Dickinson's prolific writing, only ten poems and a letter were published during her lifetime.
After her younger sister Lavinia discovered the collection of nearly 1,800 poems, Dickinson's first volume was published four years after her death.

Bronze sculpture of Emily Dickinson by Jane DeDecker

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Book sculptures by Jodi Harvey-Brown

- "I have always loved art, and I have always loved to read.
Books pull you into a new world, while art lets you see it.
It made sense to me that these two mediums should come together.
The books that we love to read should be made to come to life.
Characters, that we care so much for, should come out of the pages to show us their stories.
What we see in our imaginations as we read should be there for the world to see.
My book sculptures are my way of making stories come alive" - Jodi Harvey-Brown.

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Cindy Hendrick | Watercolor illustrator

A love of gardening, nature and woodland animals inspire Hendrick’s artwork.
Spending time in her surroundings, she observes these friends of the forest and field and their quirky behaviors.
The small company Hendrick started from her home in 2004, Woodfield Press has grown from humble beginnings with a handful of notecards and a couple of paper doll kits to a business with products in up to 450 stores throughout the US and the ability to print 40,000 cards at a time.