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Visualizzazione post con etichetta The Clark Art Institute. Mostra tutti i post
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Pierre-Auguste Renoir at the Clark Art Institute

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Bouquet of Roses, 1879

In the summer of 1879, the banker and diplomat Paul Berard invited Pierre-Auguste Renoir to his country house in Normandy.
During his visit, the artist painted portraits of Berard’s children and made several panel decorations, this one for a door in the library.
While the bouquet’s orderly arrangement is traditional, the thick brushstrokes and lively colors reflect Renoir’s Impressionist technique. | Source: © The Clark Art Institute

Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Bouquet of Roses, 1879 | The Clark Art Institute

Nell'estate del 1879, il banchiere e diplomatico Paul Berard invitò Renoir nella sua casa di campagna in Normandia.
Durante la sua visita, l'artista dipinse ritratti dei figli di Berard e realizzò diverse decorazioni su tavola, questa per una porta della biblioteca.
Mentre la disposizione ordinata del bouquet è tradizionale, le spesse pennellate ed i colori vivaci riflettono la tecnica impressionista di Renoir. | Fonte: © Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute

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Pierre-Auguste Renoir | Onions, 1881

Artist: Auguste Renoir (French, Limoges 1841–1919 Cagnes-sur-Mer);
Date: 1881;
Medium: Oil on canvas;
Dimensions: 15 3/8 x 23 7/8 in. (39.1 x 60.6 cm);
Acquired by Sterling and Francine Clark, 1922.