Visualizzazione post con etichetta Surrealism. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Surrealism. Mostra tutti i post
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René Magritte | L'utopie (Utopia), 1945

Painted in June 1945, René Magritte (Belgian surrealist artist, 1898-1967) himself described the scene in L'utopie in his publication, Dix tableaux de Magritte précédes de descriptions, published the following year.
There, he explained that, 'The rose is alone on an island'..
This sense of the solitude of the flower, already emphasised by the span of the distant horizon and the vastness of the ocean, is thus reinforced by Magritte's statement and his own declared intention.
How did the rose reach this island?

René Magritte | L'utopie (Utopia), 1945

This strange and solitary bloom is a glimpse of the poetic and the mysterious, even the miraculous, and is all the more striking as an image of hope in the wake of the Occupation of Belgium, which had only recently ended.
The promontory and the rose in L'utopie appear to have been painted in the mock-Impressionist style that Magritte referred to as Surréalisme en plein soleil.

Where his earlier works had deliberately avoided a sense of 'style' in the rendering of their strange and incongruous subjects, he now added an extra layer of the incongruous by emphasising the painting's status as a subjective representation of the world, while also taking advantage of the association between Impressionism and Realism.
He thus introduced a tension between a style of painting associated with capturing a moment of fleeting 'reality' and his own surreal, poetic universe, while also providing a glimpse of sunlight during the dark days of the Second World War.

At the same time, he revelled in shocking even his most ardent followers by deliberately and irreverently adopting a style that was then associated with bourgeois taste.
Magritte's Surrealism was intended to jolt his viewers out of a complacent understanding of the world around them, but he was aware that his own admirers and followers had developed expectations of his works.
L'utopie and its sister-works of sunlit Surrealism shocked his viewers out of their complacent understandings of his pictures and of the universe alike.
The first owner of L'utopie was Achille Chavée, a writer, friend of Magritte and leading member of the Hainaut group of Surrealists who owned several of the artist's pictures.

During the period that L'utopie was painted, the pair collaborated extensively on a large exhibition of Belgian Surrealism that was held at the Galerie des Editions La Boétie in Brussels, an exhibition that was dominated by Magritte's own works, a fitting reflection of his importance to Surrealism in that nation. | Source: © Christie's

Rene Magritte in front of his painting, 1964 | Christie's

Dipinto nel giugno 1945, René Magritte (Artista surrealista Belga, 1898-1967) stesso descrisse la scena in L'utopie nella sua pubblicazione, Dix tableaux de Magritte précédes de descriptions, pubblicata l'anno seguente.
Lì, spiegò che "la rosa è sola su un'isola".
Questo senso di solitudine del fiore, già enfatizzato dalla distanza dell'orizzonte lontano e dalla vastità dell'oceano, è quindi rafforzato dall'affermazione di Magritte e dalla sua stessa dichiarata intenzione.

Come ha fatto la rosa a raggiungere quest'isola?

Questa strana e solitaria fioritura è uno scorcio del poetico e del misterioso, persino del miracoloso, ed è tanto più sorprendente come immagine di speranza sulla scia dell'occupazione del Belgio, che era appena terminata.
Il promontorio e la rosa in L'utopie sembrano essere stati dipinti nello stile finto-impressionista che Magritte chiamava Surréalisme en plein soleil.

Laddove le sue opere precedenti avevano deliberatamente evitato un senso di "stile" nella resa dei loro soggetti strani ed incongrui, ora aggiungeva un ulteriore strato di incongruo enfatizzando lo status del dipinto come rappresentazione soggettiva del mondo, sfruttando anche l'associazione tra impressionismo e realismo.

Introduceva così una tensione tra uno stile di pittura associato alla cattura di un momento di "realtà" fugace ed il suo universo surreale e poetico, offrendo anche uno scorcio di luce solare durante i giorni bui della seconda guerra mondiale.
Allo stesso tempo, si dilettava a scandalizzare persino i suoi seguaci più ardenti adottando deliberatamente e irriverentemente uno stile che era allora associato al gusto borghese.

Il Surrealismo di Magritte intendeva scuotere i suoi spettatori da una comprensione compiacente del mondo che li circondava, ma era consapevole che i suoi ammiratori e seguaci avevano sviluppato delle aspettative nei confronti delle sue opere.

L'utopie e le sue opere gemelle del Surrealismo illuminato dal sole sconvolsero i suoi spettatori dalla loro comprensione compiacente dei suoi quadri e dell'universo.
Il primo proprietario di L'utopie fu Achille Chavée, uno scrittore, amico di Magritte e membro di spicco del gruppo surrealista dell'Hainaut che possedeva diversi quadri dell'artista.

Durante il periodo in cui L'utopie fu dipinto, la coppia collaborò ampiamente ad una grande mostra del Surrealismo belga che si tenne alla Galerie des Editions La Boétie di Bruxelles, una mostra che fu dominata dalle opere dello stesso Magritte, un riflesso appropriato della sua importanza per il Surrealismo in quella nazione. | Fonte: © Christie's

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René Magritte | Le Préméditation, 1943

"Before the war, my paintings expressed anxiety", René Magritte explained, "but the experiences of war have taught me that what matters in art is to express charm.
"I live in a very disagreeable world, and my work is meant as a counter-offensive".

Painted during the final months of 1943, Le Préméditation is one of the earliest in a series known as Le Surréalisme en plein soleil (Surrealism in sunshine), created by Belgian Surrealist René Magritte (1898-1967) during the turbulent years of the Second World War in the hope of re-enchanting daily life.
A radiant bouquet of springtime flowers all improbably sprouting from the same plant, Le Préméditation captures a magnificent vision of optimism and hope.

René Magritte | Premeditation, 1943 | Christie’s

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Alex Gross, 1968 | Pop surrealism painter

Alex Gross lives in Portland, Oregon. In 1990, he received a BFA with honors from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena.
Since then, he has had ten solo exhibitions at various galleries, and participated in dozens of museum and gallery exhibitions across the globe.
His 2017 exhibition with Corey Helford Gallery was his most recent solo exhibition.
In the summer of 2007, Alex's first retrospective museum show was held at the Grand Central Art Center in Santa Ana, California.

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Book sculptures by Jodi Harvey-Brown

- "I have always loved art, and I have always loved to read.
Books pull you into a new world, while art lets you see it.
It made sense to me that these two mediums should come together.
The books that we love to read should be made to come to life.
Characters, that we care so much for, should come out of the pages to show us their stories.
What we see in our imaginations as we read should be there for the world to see.
My book sculptures are my way of making stories come alive" - Jodi Harvey-Brown.

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Balbusso Twins, le gemelle dell'illustrazione

Anna ed Elena Balbusso, gemelle, vivono e lavorano a Milano.
Diplomate in pittura all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, dal 1994 operano come illustratrici freelance per la pubblicità e l’editoria sia in Italia che all’estero.
Dal 1998 illustrano libri per ragazzi e copertine con varie case editrici.
Dal 2003 lavorano con testate francesi nell’ambito della comunicazione e dei magazine.
Nel 2006 hanno iniziato nuove collaborazioni nell’editoria per ragazzi in Francia ed in Corea del Sud.

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Felix Nussbaum | The Folly Square / La piazza della follia, 1931

"The Folly Square" / "Der tolle Platz" was created in 1931 by German-Jewish surrealist painter Felix Nussbaum (1904-1944).
It is part of the collection of the Berlinische Galerie.

Turbulent goings - on at Pariser Platz in Berlin: young artists unload their paintings outside the Prussian Academy of the Arts while its distinguished professors file through the door.
In the background we see Max Liebermann, the president of the Academy, on the roof of his house right next to the Brandenburg Gate.
He is working on a self-portrait held for him by Victoria, the goddess of victory.
She has torn herself off the Victory Column on the right of the frame, but in mid-flight she loses the laurel wreath which, since Ancient times, has been the mark of distinction for success.

Felix Nussbaum | The folly square, 1931 | Berlinische Galerie
In the foreground, in the centre of the beige-grey painting: a group of young artists in pale smocks with paintings.
More paintings are being unloaded from a vehicle on the right.
Left: professors dressed in black form a long queue three abreast.
In the background, Max Liebermann stands on a half-crumbling building.

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Karol Bąk, 1961

Karol Bąk artista - pittore, illustratore e grafico. I suoi dipinti sono caratterizzati da illusione e surrealismo.
Si è diplomato alla Scuola Secondaria di Belle Arti di Poznań come espositore di interni.
Nel 1984 ha iniziato gli studi presso la Facoltà di Grafica della Scuola Superiore Statale di Belle Arti (ora Accademia di Belle Arti di Poznań).
Si è laureato con lode nel 1989 ottenendo due diplomi sia in grafica con il professor Tadeusz Jackowski, che in disegno con il professor Jarosław Kozłowski.

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Marc Chagall | Parigi dalla mia finestra, 1913

C'è l'Opéra, il Louvre, L'Arc de Triomphe, Notre-Dame, la Tour Eiffel, il Panthéon, Place de la Concorde, Saint-GermainDes-Pres. Esplodono in arancioni, verdi, blu, viola, rossi.
Ci volteggiano sopra amanti, animali, madri, fiori, angeli.
Chagall non smise mai di ricordarla, di trasfigurarla nei suoi sogni, di farla orizzonte su cui si mimetizzava tutto il suo immaginario intimo e poetico.
C'è la città con i suoi luoghi simbolici, e c'è il pittore con la sua storia, i suoi miti. Parigi evoca e accoglie al tempo stesso, si fa materia onirica nello sguardo di Chagall.

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Maksymilian Novak-Zempliński, 1974

Maksymilian Novak-Zempliński was born in Warsaw.
In 1999, he graduated with honors from the European Academy of Arts in Warsaw.
He obtained his diploma in the studios of prof. A. Fałat and prof. A. Sadowski.
He deals with easel painting in oil and acrylic, illusionistic painting and occasionally sculpture.

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Jacques Prévert | Per te, amore mio / For you, my love

Per te amore mio
Sono andato al mercato degli uccelli
E ho comprato uccelli

Per te
amor mio
Sono andato al mercato dei fiori
E ho comprato fiori

Marc Chagall | Promenade, 1917

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Wang Yiguang, 1962

Wang Yiguang / 王沂光 is a modern Chinese painter, notable for his Tibetan paintings of flying people, yaks and sheep.
Wang Yi Guang was born in Yimeng Mountain area of Shandong, China.
He is a younger brother of another notable painter, Wang Yidong (王沂东).
He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing in 1990.

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Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz, 1951 | Allegorical cartoonist

Zygmunt Zaradkiewicz was born in Makow Mazowiecki, Poland.
He graduated at the Faculty of Graphic Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (1976).
Works and activity: book illustrations, cartoons, prints, posters, paintings and stage sets.
Debuts in the magazines: "Polska" and "Szpilki" in 1972.
Publications in periodicals and the Polish press, e.g.: "itd", "Karuzela", "Kobieta i Zycie", "Magazyn Rodzinny", "Radar", "Razem", "Rzeczpospolita", "Sukces" (artistic director 1998-2000), "Szpilki", "Sztandar Mlodych", "Zycie Warszawy", as well as abroad: "Pardon" and "Slapstick" (Germany).

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Marco Tulio, 1966 | Magic realism painter

Born in Medellin, Colombia, self-taught artist, Marco Tulio began his artistic endeavors at a very early age; with both of his parents as artists, Marco has been painting since he was very young.
Certainly his talents must be innate as this prodigal child had his first exhibit at the age of eleven.
His father, abstract artist, Guillermo Espinosa instilled in him an appreciation of color but Marco practiced, refined, and has perfected his classically inspired scenes.

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Alessandro Sicioldr, 1990 | Pittore di visioni subconsce

Nato a Tuscania (Italia), Alessandro Sicioldr si forma presso lo studio del padre, apprendendo i metodi ed i materiali della pittura e del disegno.
Dal Surrealismo attinge l’irrazionalità e l’analisi della psiche; dal Simbolismo la dimensione onirica.
Risulta chiara l’ispirazione al Manierismo ed ai pittori Fiamminghi nell’uso del colore, della luce e nella minuziosità dei dettagli.

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Olga Esther, 1975 | Pop surrealist painter

Olga Esther is an Spanish painter and illustrator who develops her work within Lowbrow or pop surrealism, painting impossible princesses.
She is a graduate of fine arts from Polytechnic University of Valencia, she is the recipient of two art scholarships in Prague and Mexico.
She also holds a master‘s degree in video games.
Now, she lives and works in Valencia.

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Troy Brooks, 1972

Troy Brooks è un pittore Canadese contemporaneo.
Le sue immagini di soggetti femminili allungati in ambientazioni di film noir sono state riconosciute a livello mondiale come opere distintive del movimento Surrealista Pop moderno, con mostre a Parigi, Berlino, Londra, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto, Montreal ed Australia.
Nel 2018 si è trasferito da Toronto in una banca del XIX secolo nella storica città di Wallaceburg, in Ontario, trasformandola nel suo principale spazio di lavoro in studio.

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Dianna Cotter | Le creazioni con foglie autunnali

Queste meravigliose opere d'arte autunnali compostabili, sono state realizzate interamente con foglie e semi caduti dall'artista Britanica Diana Cotter di Salisbury, Wiltshire.
La Cotter trascorre fino a sette ore, selezionando attentamente centinaia di foglie cadute di colori diversi dal suo giardino per creare splendide immagini di uccelli ed altri animali selvatici.
Aggiunge bacche, muschio e ramoscelli alle basi di argilla da giardino per creare un effetto finale abbagliante e fotografa le sue creazioni stagionali prima che si secchino, prima di metterle nel compost.

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Teresa Brutcher, 1955

Born in Phoenix, Arizona, Teresa Brutcher lives and works in Spain, a country she came to know as an exchange student while getting her BA degree at the University of California.
Mesmerized by the old masters that populated the Prado Museum in Madrid and by the country itself, she returned there upon completing her BA degree.
Brutcher showing her figurative-realist paintings in galleries and museums in Spain as well as in Portugal, Germany, and the US.

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Zhao Xiaoli, 1990 | Pop Surrealist painter

Zhao Xiaoli 赵小黎 is a trend artist based in Xiamen who has attracted widespread attention on social media platforms both in China and internationally.
Using short video as an innovative way to communicate the creative process to a mass audience, she is the first female art influencer in the world to reach over 10 million followers.
Her work mostly explores the emotions and confusions of growing up as a woman, and seeks a unique form of self-expression through the fusion of oil painting and moving images.

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Tanaka Hideo, 1959 | Surrealist painter

Born in Fukuoka, Japan, Hideo began painting in 2009.
In 2011 he received the SHUNYOU Society Award at the 99th Shunyo Exhibition.
His first solo exhibition was in 2012 at Gallery So in Japan.
Simultaneously he kept working as creative director of the advertising agency Frontage Co. and created advertisements for some of the biggest international companies, such as Sony Music, BMW, Budweiser, and Sony.